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American Resource Center

American Resource Center

The American Resource Center (ARC) Suva serves to advance the United States Government policy goals to the people of Fiji and the Pacific Region by identifying, evaluating and disseminating selective, relevant, current and accurate information and outreach services based on American history, legislation, culture and society issues of the American people and their practices.

About the ARC
The ARC project was initiated by the Public Diplomacy Office of the United States Embassy, Suva as part of its Mission Strategic and Resource Plan.  It is a specialized facility solely for research and reference purposes using both print and electronic resources.  The ARC Suva integrates emerging social and media technology as part of their delivery mechanism to promote and ensure a timely provision of information and service awareness to the people of Fiji and neighboring Pacific Islanders to cultivate a better understanding of the American systems, practices and society. 
Access is granted through appointment with the ARC Director at least four hours prior to visit.

The ARC core collection consists of non-circulating scholarly reference materials in both print and non-print with access to the e-resource collections from online newspapers, journals and databases. The collection has resources predominantly on the United States of America, its people and policies and contains a wide range of information on:
• The United States Government
• Laws and Legislations
• Statistics
• Economic Indicators
• US foreign and domestic policy issues
• Speeches and Statements made by the US President, Secretary of State and other prominent administration officials
• US Government documents and Congressional reports
• Biographical Information on American political, business or cultural leaders
• US newspaper and journal articles
• American research and education institutions

All about America
“All about America” is a digital collection of information on American government, history, culture, society and political processes.

New Additions
As part of its outreach program, the ARC offers an awareness service by producing a monthly list of newly acquired resources which are listed according to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme for books and alphabetically for new periodicals. These are newly added titles to the ARC collection and can also be found on the ARC Catalog.

ARC Info Alert
This alert service contains an annotated list of journal and periodical articles, special reports and government documents distributed monthly to a select list of contacts on the latest developments in their areas of interest.

ARC Newsletter
The ARC Newsletter publishes information on all ARC related activities on a quarterly basis.
Additional Links
The White House
Executive Office of the President
Office of Management and Budget
Office of the United States Trade Representative

Opening Hours
The ARC Opening Hours are:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
:   9.00am – 1.00pm
Tuesday & Thursday
: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed on Saturday – Sunday, US and Fiji Public Holidays.

The ARC is located within the United States Embassy Chancery at 158 Princes Road, Tamavua,  Suva, Fiji.

Contact Us
The American Resource Center
United States Embassy, Suva
P.O.Box 218
Suva, Fiji Islands.

Ph: (679 3314 466 ext. 8191
Fax: (679) 3308 685

Please note that the ARC cannot assist with any Visa or Visa related queries. Please contact the US Embassy Consular section for assistance:








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