tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Corporate Reports

image of annual report coverFinancial Reports

TVA issues financial reports at the end of the first, second, and third quarter and publishes its annual report at the end of the fiscal year. The fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Strategic Plan

TVA’s renewed vision is to be one of the nation’s leading providers of low-cost and cleaner energy by 2020. Find out the next steps in Delivering the Vision.

Report to Communities

This online report outlines some of the many ways in which TVA and its employees contribute to the well-being of the communities in the TVA service area. Read about community service and corporate responsibility activities in the Report to Communities (PDF, 1MB).

Budget Proposal and Management Agenda

In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget's Circular No. A-11, agencies are required to prepare a performance budget, which fully integrates the annual performance plan required by the Government Performance and Results Act with other elements of the agency budget request, for submission to the Congress in February as part of the congressional budget justification. The performance budget links TVA's strategic goals with related outcome-oriented long-term and annual performance goals and with the costs specific to the activities that contribute to the achievement of those goals.

Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF, 1.2 mb)

Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF, 1.3 mb)

Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF, 982 kb)

Fiscal Year 2010 (PDF, 2.5 mb)

Energy and Environmental Sustainability

On June 29, 2012, TVA issued an updated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan under Executive Order 13514, titled "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance." The Executive Order (EO), signed by President Obama in October 2009, challenges TVA and other federal agencies to develop, implement and annually update sustainability plans to help "create a clean-energy economy." Even before the passage of this EO and other legislation on energy efficiency at federal facilities, TVA has had a long history of reducing its building energy use. Read about TVA’s internal energy management.

As a Federal Agency, TVA includes climate change adaptation in its decision making. The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) coordinates and integrates federal research on changes in the global environment and their implications for society. The mission of the USGCRP builds a knowledge base that informs human responses to climate and global change through coordinated and integrated federal programs of research, education, communication, and decision support.

TVA manages the potential effects of climate change on its mission, programs, and operations within its environmental management processes. By definition, all planning activities are always conducted under conditions of uncertainty. Climate change adaptation planning is no different. Interagency efforts have been, and continue to be, underway to better understand the uncertainty associated with climate change. In 2011, TVA issued a Statement on Climate Change Adaptation. In 2012, in accordance with Executive Order 13514, TVA prepared a Climate Change Adaptation Plan and will annually report its progress.

Government Performance and Results Act Annual Performance Plans and Reports

These reports to Congress outline TVA’s performance goals and results in the areas of power system performance, customer satisfaction, environmental protection, economic development accomplishments, and more. TVA’s fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.

Government Performance and Results Act Annual Performance Report

Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF, 528KB)

Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF, 490 KB)

Fiscal Year 2005 (PDF, 398KB)

Fiscal Year 2004 (PDF, 297KB)

Fiscal Year 2003 (PDF, 784KB)

Fiscal Year 2002 (PDF, 356KB)

Fiscal Year 2001 (PDF, 257KB)
Revised May 2002

Fiscal Year 2000 (PDF, 105KB)

TVA Government Performance and Results Act Annual Performance Plan

Fiscal Year 2008 (PDF, 357KB)

Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF, 151KB)

Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF, 268KB)

Fiscal Year 2005 (PDF, 268KB)

Fiscal Year 2004 (PDF, 313KB)

Fiscal Year 2003 (PDF, 665KB)

Fiscal Year 2002 (PDF, 162KB)

Fiscal Year 2001 (PDF, 120KB)
Revised September 2000

TVA Government Performance and Results Act Strategic Plan

Fiscal Years 2004-2009 (PDF, 157KB)
Revised September 2004

Fiscal Years 2003-2008 (PDF, 1.1MB)
Revised September 2003

Fiscal Years 2000-2005 (PDF, 128KB)
Revised September 2000

TVA E-Government Act Implementation Update

Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF, 194KB)

Fiscal Year 2004 (PDF, 136KB)

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