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Award Ceremony in Honor of Ambassador Levent Şahinkaya

USConsulateIstanbulUSConsulateIstanbul·72 videos
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Published on Jun 11, 2012

U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone: "Thank you very much. Our country owes a great debt of gratitude to Turkey and especially to Ambassador Sahinkaya for his tenacious advocacy and support for Americans in distress during the assisted departure of American citizens from Libya last year. Ambassador Sahinkaya and his skillful and persistent efforts on behalf our four New York Times journalists in March of 2011 testify to the durability and the importance of the Turkish-American friendship. At a time of considerable peril and uncertainty, we were very fortunate to have a diplomat of Ambassador Sahinkaya's fortitude and integrity and skill tending to our shared interest during the Libyan crisis. And so Madame Secretary, if you would be so kind to hand the plaque over to Ambassador Sahinkaya."

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