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Frequently Asked Questions

Placeholder for Optional Section Page Name

Main Content Area: will contain content specific to the section. The main content area is expandable and can support small, medium and large amounts of contents.

Rules: (optional example of subhead with rules above and below)

  1. Always have the section name at the top of the body text in all caps
  2. Always place the page name directly below the section name in upper and lowercase
  3. Never show a page without the section or page name clearly identified
  4. Follow the style sheet for presentation style for headline lines, body text, etc.
  5. Photo and captions may be inserted within the body of the text to enhance the content as the page

This page is flexible and can serve as a:

  1. Document page with text only.
  2. Document page with text, photos(s) and captions(s)
  3. Document page with just photos and captions
  4. Listing page of links to other documents.

CSS Style Guide:

Body Subheads can be bold, italic or use CSS class to enhance the display of the content.

  • Page Header: CSS H1

  • Section Header: CSS H2

  • Primary Subhead: CSS H3

  • Secondary Subhead: CSS H4

  • Body Text: CSS Class P
    Red Text: CSS "redtext"

  • Caption Text: CSS Class "Caption"

  • Contact Listing: CSS Class "setbodysmall"

  • Document Date/Byline: CSS Class "setbodysmall"


Feature Box is an optional feature of the page that can be used to highlight additional information directly relating to the content on this page. Please note that this feature can be removed if not required.

• Intended for a quick read of important information on the specific topic.
• Photos and logos may be used in this section if supported by content
• Can incorporate subheads to organize the text in this section
• Links will have a title that is an active link to the document (see more)
• Limit to 5 to 7 current listings for specific topic