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USA Education In Brief

September 2008

September 2008

USA Education in Brief covers the development of the public school movement, beginning with "common school," (the iconic little red schoolhouse) in the 18th century, through the Land-Grant university movement to the G.I. Bill of Rights and the civil rights movement which expanded educational opportunity to all U.S. citizens. Additional topics include 21st century challenges; civic, bilingual, and special education; foreign exchanges; and teaching democracy to a new generation.

Inside This Publication

September 2008



  • Elementary school student
    The Rich Mosaic of American Schools

    The innovative U.S. education scene at the primary and secondary level includes not just traditional public and private schools but experimental charters and magnets, faith-based schools and home-schooling.

Photo Gallery

  • photo gallery image
    College Life

    The U.S. college experience is a time to study and prepare for a career, but also offers opportunities to discover, explore and mature.

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    Understanding Diversity and Cultural Pluralism

    The award-winning documentary film A Son's Sacrifice focuses on a family business in New York founded by a Muslim immigrant from Bangladesh and taken over by his U.S.-born son. Clips from the film can be used to learn about such concepts as diversity, cultural pluralism and acculturation.