Meet our Partners

Pool Safely campaign partners have committed to participate in specific activities depending on their level of engagement and the reach of their organization.

meet our partners imageCampaign Safety Partners (CSPs) participate in a major campaign event or announcement with CPSC, are involved in creating campaign materials and agree to use their websites, newsletters and other means to promote the Pool Safely messaging and materials. Campaign Safety Leaders (CSLs) agree to conduct consistent outreach in support of the campaign, which may include collaboration on a specific media event and dissemination of messages and materials to their own networks and constituencies. Our Campaign Safety Community (CSC) is involved in information sharing and may participate in certain campaign events.


Campaign partners in each level commit to a specific level of activity as outlined below.

Campaign Safety Partners
  • Participation in a major campaign event or announcement with CPSC
  • Involvement in creation of specific campaign content
  • Agreement to leverage existing channels to promote campaign messaging and materials
Campaign Safety Leaders
  • Collaboration on specific/planned media outreach
  • Dissemination of messages and materials to audiences
Campaign Safety Community
  • Information sharing and event participation
  • Dissemination of messages and materials to audiences

Campaign Safety Partners

The Pool Safely Campaign Safety Partners include:

For more information on each of the Pool Safely Campaign Safety Partners click on the links above.

Campaign Safety Leaders

The Pool Safely Campaign Safety Leaders include:

Campaign Safety Community

The Pool Safely Campaign Safety Community includes:

  • Local fire and rescue services
  • Children’s hospitals and medical centers
  • Swim schools and lifeguard training programs
  • Local departments of public health and environment
  • Pool and spa equipment manufacturers and service providers
  • Local recreation and parks authorities
  • Colleges and universities
  • Drowning prevention advocates

Who is Virginia Graeme Baker?

Seven-year-old Virginia Graeme Baker’s tragic death inspired her family to advocate for pool and spa safety and moved Congress to act to prevent entrapments.
Read more about her story

The Pool and Spa Safety Act: Staff interpretation and updates


Find the most up to date requirements for the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.