All women of the Carlisle Barracks Community are invited to attend PWOC each Thursday in the Chapel assembly room from 0900 to 1115. With a mixture of fellowship and joy, we meet to sing, pray, study God's word, and serve the community.

Our Fall and Spring sessions offer a variety of Bible classes, special programs, and general meetings. An evening Bible study is also offered on Tuesdays at 1830 at the Chapel.

Theme Art Explanation:

Your Kingdom Come theme art is centered on the Matthew 6:9-13 passage, the model prayer Jesus taught His disciples. The theme design draws from many principles found in this significant scripture.

"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name." Rays of light, from our Father in heaven, come down from above.

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven." The light flows down from heaven above, intersecting with the earth that we inhabit. When our lives and our wills are surrendered to Him, the life we live becomes a beautiful relationship between the King and the one in service to Him. This connection between the light and the earth signifies living life in communion with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is illustrated by the dove, who is the power of God working in us, aligning the will for our life to that will which is in heaven. The globe represents our calling to take the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.

"Give us this day our daily bread" is portrayed in the subtle loaf of bread to the left of the rays of light, reminding us of that which provides us physical sustenance. Our daily bread also represents a spiritual truth as we daily require communion with the Word of God.

"And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors." The lily in the bottom left represents the forgiveness we receive and give. The white in the lily stands for our purity in Christ. It is accented in red, pointing to the blood of Christ, which makes possible God's beautiful plan of salvation and His gracious means of providing forgiveness for our sins.

"And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen" The crown in the stained background, and the keys in the border represent The Kingdom of God and He who holds the keys to the Kingdom.

All women are welcome.

On site watch care is available to children under the age of 5 years old.

pwoc logo
Sunday School is for ages 3 through adult. Watch care is available for little ones.

Winter/Spring Sunday School Classes will begin January 8, 2012 at 0930

Adult Classes are:

YOUR HERITAGE: HOW TO BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT THE LEGACY YOU LEAVE: This class will help you develop a plan to ensure that the heritage you pass along to your children is the meaningful, spiritually rich, loving, life-equipping, memory-building legacy you want it to be. Based on the command of Deut 6:7, this multigenerational class will be interactive and a time of understanding the heritage you were given, breaking cycles that are negative and charting a new course for the future.

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST IN AMERICA TODAY: Founded on Christ, empowered by the Spirit, and including all people, we are supposed to represent Christ to the world, salt and light in the midst of a fallen people. This class will study how today's church has missed the mark and how we, as Christians, can positively contribute to our society and its culture.

THE GOSPEL OF JOHN: The Gospel of John is the progressive revelation of the deity and the glory of God's only Son, who comes to make known the Father and then returns in glory to the Father. This is a yearlong study, but newcomers will find it meaningful as we approach Easter.


POC: Protestant Religious Education Coordinator.

Protestant Sunday School & Children's Church Registration Form

Mission Statement - "We are a community of faith dedicated to glorifying Jesus Christ through Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, and Outreach. (Acts 2:42) "

1100 Sunday Service - Collective Protestant service with choirs. Communion celebrated on first Sunday of the month. Lectors - Lead the reading of the weekly lessons.

Acolytes - Ages 4th grade through Jr High are welcome to join the Acolyte team. Light and extinguish candles, assist with communion.

Altar Guild - Prepare the vessels for all services.

Choir - Sing at 1100 worship and special events. Adult choir meets every Thursday at 1900 in the choir room.

Ushers - Assist the order of worship by greeting, gathering offerings, and distributing communion.

Children's Church -Children's Church is ongoing for ages 4 through 2nd grade during Sunday Worship.

Chapel Instrumentalists - Brass, string, guitar and reed instruments to support hymn and praise singing and special music.

Praise Team - Sing at 1045 on Sundays to help prepare for worship.

Call the Chapel, 245-3318, for more information