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EFMP Frequenlty Asked Questions

What ages are seen?
All ages are seen, But anyone Under 5 years of age must be seen in person.
Are walk-in services available?
Yes, on Monday after 1400 and Wednesday and Friday from 0800-1600.
What services are offered?
    A: The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) identifies and provides assistance to military family members with special medical, psychological, and educational needs.
Who is an Exceptional Family Member (EFM)?
    A: An exceptional family member is any family member (child or adult) with a life threatening or chronic medical condition that requires specialized medical or educational services.  Examples of disabilities or needs requiring enrollment are:  Asthma, Cancer, Hypertension, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, Cerebral Palsy, and ADD/ADHD.  Additionally, any child receiving special education as indicated by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Education and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) as indicated by an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) must be enrolled.  If you have any questions about the need to enroll, call the EFMP Office at (301) 677-8435.
Does enrollment have an impact on soldier’s career?
    A: Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotion, schools, or assignment.  Information concerning enrollment in EFMP or any of the data used in the program is not made available to selection boards.
Special education and medical needs are considered when processing overseas assignments.
How does a soldier enroll In EFMP?
    A: If the medical or educational need of the Exceptional Family Member (EFM) is known at in-processing, the soldier should alert the EFMP Coordinator and complete DA Form 7246, the EFMP screening form.
If the need for special medical or educational services is discovered during the tour of duty, a referral can be made to the installation EFMP and/or the Special Needs Advisor.  At that time, the soldier will obtain a DD Form 2792, EFMP Medical Summary and/or DD Form 2792-1, EFMP Educational Summary if the Exceptional Family Member is a school age child receiving special education services.  These forms are used to document the Exceptional Family Member’s needs.
*Please contact the EFMP Coordinator for branch specific questions at (301)677-8435.
    A: The Overseas Screening is a medical record screening for all family members traveling with their Sponsor. This process must be completed in order for your family members to be placed on your Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders. The information below will help the process go smoothly. Please keep in mind that this process can take time because collecting medical and educational documentation for this process can be timely. Please contact the EFMP Coordinator for branch specific questions at (301)677-8435.

All adult family members and family members 0-6 years must attend the Overseas Screening. To prepare for your Overseas Screening the following should be provided:
  • All family members shall provide five years of medical records.
  • All children must have a full physical exam less than one year; their immunizations must be up to date.
  • Any specialized care must be documented on the DD 2792 or the DD 2792-1.
  • All EFMP enrollments must be up to date.
  • All adult family members must have a full physical exam less than one year and women must have completed  age specific preventive screenings such as (PAP and mammograms).
  • All adult family members must show documentation of all routine vaccinations.
  • All referrals and consults must be completed.
  • Bring the DA 5888 Authenticated and dated in Block #8.
  • Specialized immunizations may be needed through Travel Clinic.

EFMP Service

Building T-2472 on 5th Street behind KACC

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday   0800-1600

Appointments are made by calling 301-677-8435
Referrals Required: