
Licensing & Royalties
Licensing Process

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Upon reporting of an invention to OTT, a team of OTT Licensing and Patenting Managers evaluate the invention to assess patentability and probability of commercial success of the invention, as well as the need for patent protection to ensure rapid and effective development of the invention. OTT generally seeks the broadest possible patent protection for commercially valuable inventions and initiates this process by filing an application for a patent in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Within 12 months of filing a U.S. patent application, OTT will update its initial patentability and market assessments, and, after consultation with the Institute or Center (IC) that sponsored the research leading to the invention, will file international patent applications as appropriate. In general, where international filing is possible and commercial interest in the invention can reasonably be anticipated, OTT recommends at least preliminary filing of an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Approximately one year after the filing of an international application, OTT again reevaluates the commercial potential of the invention. When appropriate, OTT files national stage patent applications in those countries where it is believed that patent protection is required for the full development of the invention.

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