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LDF Arabic Program

The MEPI Leaders for Democracy Fellowship (LDF) Arabic project provides for ten weeks of study and professional experience in Lebanon for 15-20 young civic leaders from across the Middle East and North Africa. The project begins with four weeks of academic coursework in Arabic at the American University of Beirut, where fellows focus on the concepts of leadership, democracy, communication, and conflict resolution. Fellows complete relevant seminars and workshops that address theoretical debates as well as active, practical skills-building sessions. After completing the academic portion of the project, participants engage in a five- to six-week professional assignment with Lebanese civil society institutions and organizations. Participants gain a practical understanding of the interactions between government and civil society while also gaining valuable knowledge, skills, and contacts to benefit their professional pursuits in their home countries. This project complements MEPI’s flagship English-language Fellowship, hosted by Syracuse University since 2007.

Program Details:

Places targeted: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen

Who Is Eligible?

The program is open to young professionals between the ages of 22 and 30 with a bachelor's degree and Arabic fluency. Fellows should be able to function at full capacity in an Arabic-speaking academic and professional environment. Applicants should have some experience working in civil society, rule of law, human rights, democracy promotion, etc., and have a demonstrated commitment and desire to remain working in this field for the foreseeable future. Applicants should be committed to being leaders of positive change within their communities. Fellows’ travel to Lebanon must be unaccompanied. At the time of application and while participating in the project, Fellows must be citizens of Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen, and cannot hold U.S. citizenship or be a U.S. Legal Permanent Resident.

How Do Participants Apply?

All applicants must submit an current resume and an essay of no more than 1,000 words (in Arabic), which answers the following questions:

  • How will a MEPI Leaders for Democracy Fellowship enable you to better lead your community or country toward greater democracy and citizen participation in the institutions and activities of government?
  • What do you hope to gain from this program and what are your plans to apply the lessons you learn upon your return?
  • What changes do you hope to bring about in your community and/or country during the next 10 years?

Important Dates:

The recruitment process closes on February 22, 2012 but embassies across the Middle East and North Africa have their own application submission deadlines. Applicants should contact their respective embassy to apply. The project will begin in early May 2012 and conclude in July 2012.

For more information about the program, please e-mail: