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eJournal USA

A monthly electronic journal coming in four thematic series (American Life, Economy, Global Challenges, International Relations) providing information on U.S. foreign and domestic topics.

eJournals USA

  • Snapshot USA
    Snapshot USA

    This edition of eJournal USA is designed to provide a central resource for information about the United States. It is but an introduction, tailored to the current generation of young people around the world, containing many facts and statistics, but also essays which describe a little of how Americans think about their country and the world.   Download (PDF/5,4MB) »

  • See You in the USA (2010)
    See You in the USA (2010)

    Every year tens of millions of people visit the United States. They come to study, or for business, or for fun. But the best reason of all is to meet Americans.  Download (PDF/1,8MB) »

  • American Teenagers
    American Teenagers

    What do American teenagers have to say about their lives, values, hopes and dreams? The essays and reflections in this e-journal give a glimpse into some of the many ways a teenager's day might unfold in the United States, as well as an insight into his or her goals, ambitions, and concerns.  Download (PDF/1,9MB)  »

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    All downloadable documents on this page are provided in PDF format.  To view PDFs you must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  You may download a free version by clicking the link above.