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2012 Programs and Events

Working Together to Strengthen Small Businesses in Northern Ghana

September 5, 2012

The US Embassy sponsored the second in a series of Entrepreneurship Workshops in Northern Ghana, in support of U.S. efforts to strengthen Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Ghana and to complement the work of USAID under the Feed the Future and New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition initiatives.

These programs bring together young and more seasoned entrepreneurs with Ghanaian and U.S. experts to discuss starting and maintaining one’s small business.  The workshops were organized with the aid of the University of Development Studies (UDS), the Savannah Women’s Empowerment Group (SWEGG), and USAID’s West Africa Trade Hub (WATH).

The first workshop took place in July, 2012, with keynote speaker Kofi Amoah of Progeny Ventures, and featured a presentation on the African Growth and Opportunity Act and accessing marketing and packaging advice to ready products for export by WATH expert, Abou Fall.  Participants asked for additional information on marketing, access to credit, and working together to form associations to improve and sell their products. 

The second and third workshops were in Tamale in September, with the first working with young entrepreneurs and recent graduates interested in starting agro-businesses and the second focused on more seasoned business owners and entrepreneurs.  The keynote speaker was Roland Agambire, CEO of AGAMS Group/RGI Electronics.  Presentations were also given by the leadership of UDS, Economics Officer Thomas Chen, WATH’s Roger Brou, and Tonyi Senayah, CEO of Horseman Shoes.  Participants discussed the essentials of entrepreneurship and  the importance of being creative and prepared with a sound business plan when seeking funding, among other topics.  Brou and others urged participants to seek access to microfinance and specialized funds as well as commercial lending to meet their business and credit needs. 

The Public Affairs Section looks forward to continuing these dialogues in Wa and Bolgatanga in the months ahead.