USAID Egypt from the american people



Welcome to the USAID/Egypt website.  Our website demonstrates how the American people are working in partnership with Egyptians to build a peaceful and prosperous future.  USAID helps create jobs and broad based economic growth. We enhance the contributions of civil society in achieving political and economic reforms.  We work with the Government of Egypt and a range of partners to address challenges, including stabilizing the economy, improving the quality of Egyptian education, increasing marketable skills, and promoting an environment where people lead healthy, productive lives.  Also include the Arabic translation of the above language.

الشراكة المصرية الأمريكية من أجل الرخاء

فى خلال الخمس سنوات الماضية، قامت الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية بالعمل الوثيق مع الشركاء المصريين في جهد مشترك لتحسين مستوي المعيشة لجميع المواطنين. تم إنجاز تقدم ملحوظ من خلال الاستثمارات والمعونة الفنية في مجالات التعليم والنمو الاقتصادي والصحة وإدارة المياه والزراعة والبيئة والموارد الطبيعية، بالإضافة إلي الديمقراطية والمجتمع المدنى.



USAID provide wide range of funds and business abilities that move the development in Egypt forward.

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Employment Opportunities

USAID/Egypt only recruits for a few internationally-advertised and locally-advertised USPSC vacant positions.

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Egypt Governorates
USAID projects by Governorate

USAID | Egypt is working throughout the country to improve the quality of life for Egyptian citizens.

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NexGen IT Entrepreneurs Boot Camp Master Class: Under a collaborative

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Telling our story

USAID has provided $8.4 million for the creation of "Alam Simsim," an Egyptian Sesame Street series.

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Egypt profile
Partnering for a Better Future

For over three decades, the American people have partnered with Egyptians to enhance trade and investment, promote good governance, and increase access to quality education and health care.

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