Network and Strategic Communication Systems (NSCS)
Defense Communications and Army Transmissions Systems (DCATS)

Team DCATS manages a suite of more than 100 projects that supports Joint Warfighters, major commands, and Combatant Commanders (COCOMs).

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:35
Defense Wide Transmission Systems (DWTS)


Rather than managing a single product line, Team DCATS’s DWTS product office manages more than 60 diverse projects, spanning the product areas of transmission systems, satellite communications systems, fiber optic networks, microwave networks, Main Communications Facilities (MCFs), TCFs, Critical Power and Equipment Cooling (CPEC) systems, and wireless networks and services, including operation of network management centers and management of a multi-billion dollar contract.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:34
Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program (I3MP)

I3MP connects the Joint Warfighter through modernization and lifecycle management of the information infrastructure to support the GNEC. I3MP enables professionals to execute the global mission of connecting the Joint Warfighter.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:34

Develop, Engineer, and Deliver  the Command,  Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I), Systems and Services and the migration of existing  systems and services throughout Korea as part of a seamless transition to USAG-Humphreys, with no impact to the Warfighters ability to conduct  operations.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:31
Land Mobile Radio (LMR)

LMR modernizes the Army’s CONUS non-tactical LMR systems that support installation public safety first responders, force protection, installation management and homeland defense. LMR provides spectrum efficiencies by executing the migration of Army posts, camps, and stations to narrowband frequencies as mandated by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). LMR acquires solutions that meet Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO) P25 interoperability standards.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:33
Power Projection Enablers (P2E)

P2E, formerly known as the PD Area Processing Centers (APC), provides the Army with capabilities and adaptive processes that support net-centricity, secure access to knowledge, and improved information systems and services throughout the Army environment.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:34
Satellite Communications Systems (SCS)

Team DCATS’ SCS product office manages the acquisition, development, and modernization of Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) and Wideband Global Satellite Communications (WGS) system earth terminals and baseband equipment for all military services and agencies. SCS represents a system-of-systems approach for DoD SATCOM sites and facilities. SCS combines baseband and terminal expertise in one organization.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:33
Vehicular Intercom Systems (VIS)

Team DCATS’ VIS project office provides intercom systems that allow Soldiers to communicate in the high-noise environments of combat vehicles – a high Army priority. The VIS project office is providing VIC-3 kits for most tactical vehicles deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan; state-of-the-art headsets and wireless devices for use with the VIC-3; and is supporting National Reset VIC-3 allows crews of tactical vehicles to communicate with each other above vehicle and/or combat noise. VIC-3 allows all crew members to receive/transmit over a military radio and protects Soldiers from permanent hearing damage from high noise levels in modern tactical vehicles.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:33
Wideband Control (WC)

Team DCATS’ WC project office acquires and installs state-of-the-art strategic satellite network control and planning systems for use with the DSCS, WGS, and commercial satellite systems. All of the subsystems operations and communications between operators and processors are provided at one console location and are viewed from a multi-headed workstation, which allows access to the network database and permits simultaneous display of database components. These systems are typically deployed at Wideband Satellite Operation Centers (WSOCs) worldwide.

Last Updated on Friday, 27 July 2012 10:32