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Speeches 2012

Remarks from Ambassador Farrar during the Access Graduation

October 26, 2012

Good morning!  I’m very pleased to see so many of you here today, so early in the morning.  Getting up so early to be here on time is just the latest sacrifice which you have made to advance your education.  I’m incredibly proud of you, the embassy is proud of you, and I expect your parents and teachers also are very proud of you.

Let me take a minute to thank the people who have made possible this program.  First of all, the staff of the Gabriel Lewis Galindo Foundation.  Thank you for the incredible work you are doing throughout Panama.  Secondly, to the ELS Language Centers.  Again, none of this would be possible without your participation.  And finally, and most importantly, to all of our teachers:  your hard work, dedication and care make all the difference with our students.  Thank you.

And now, to today’s graduates.  Let me speak for just a minute about what it can mean to become fluent in English.  My wife was born in Vietnam, and came to the United States as a teenager.  She spoke very little English:  “Good morning,” “Thank you.”  If she were here today, she would tell you that her first year of study was not easy for her or for her brothers.  But she persevered, and went on to graduate from high school, from the university, and later to earn a Master’s Degree in Computer Science.  Learning English opened these doors to her.

Almost two years ago, you all received certificates of participation to start the English Access Microscholarship program.  The Access program has given you a huge head start in your future success, no matter what career you may decide to pursue.  This is only a start, however, and my message to you is to use today’s graduation as a launching pad to future success. 

Access students have a special place in our hearts.  Your applications for our university-level scholarship programs will always be well-received at the U.S. Embassy.  Please follow our Estamos Unidos page on Facebook to let us know what you’re doing, and to be the first to hear about our programs and events.  Keep in touch with each other, and work together to benefit your communities.

Today, I will be giving certificates of completion to 385 students.  You have worked very hard to be where you are today.  Congratulations:  please give yourselves a hand.  You deserve it.

And now, let’s get started on handing out those certificates!  Thank you.