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Environmental Initiatives

Going Green

Planet Earth

Planet Earth

  • Climate Change:  The United States is working with partners around the world to take another important step toward meeting the shared challenge of climate change. The Cancun Agreements, a set of balanced international decisions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), represent meaningful progress in our global response to climate change. In the days and months ahead, the United States will work with our friends and partners to keep the world focused on this urgent challenge and to continue building on this progress.  You can learn more about US Government efforts on climate change.  You can also read Ambassador Powers’ November 2010 op-ed in support for climate change efforts.
  • Promoting Low Carbon Emissions:  Working through the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) announced by President Obama at the 2009 Summit of the Americas, we support the development of low-emissions, green economies in the region. We have voluntary partnerships and bilateral agreements with several countries in the region that support these objectives. Through ECPA, we have invited other Western Hemisphere countries to work collaboratively to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy, develop cleaner fossil fuels, enhance energy infrastructure, reduce energy poverty, reduce emissions from deforestation and adapt to the impacts of climate change.  You can learn more about ECPA.  You can learn more about how businesses can help their bottom line and protect the environment by reading this May 2010 speech given to APEDE (Spanish).
  • Embassy LEED Certification:  The Embassy, which opened in September 2007, was the first LEED-certified building in Panama.  We have taken additional steps to obtain energy efficiency and other benefits, such as adopting an alternative work schedule, which eases traffic congestion and energy consumption, and reducing energy usage by lowering air conditioner usage and turning off computers during non-peak hours.  Please click here to learn more about the US Embassy LEED certification.  The US Embassy is a proud member of the Panama Green Building Council and supports this group’s efforts to promote sustainability in the way communities are conceived, and buildings designed, built, and operated.  The Embassy is also a member of the League of Green Embassies.  Here are two recent news articles about the US Embassy in Panama:
  • Solar Lights:  SOL Inc. entered into a partnership with the US Embassy in January 2011 to provide solar lighting systems in an effort to assist the Embassy’s efforts to achieve energy efficiency goals set by President Obama.  SOL Inc., based in Palm City, Florida, has been manufacturing solar powered light systems since 1990, and has installed over 40,000 systems in 61 countries.  Under the agreement, SOL will initially donate four Light Emitting Diode (LED) systems for roadway, pathway, and parking lot applications. Powered by the sun and built for a long life, SOL Inc’s high flux LED lighting systems offer unmatched performance and will illuminate the U.S. Embassy facilities for years without the threat of power surges, brownouts or blackouts.  You can learn more about SOL Inc., as well as read the U.S. Ambassador’s remarks from the solar panel donation event reception.


  • Solar Lights The Embassy received a donation of Solar Lights from SOL Inc., a Florida-based company that has been manufacturing solar powered light systems since 1990, which have helped us reduce our carbon footprint.