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Doing Business with the Embassy

To carry out its operations in Jordan, the U.S. Embassy often procures supplies and services from local contractors and suppliers. Please contact the General Services Office for details. 


Current Bids

Request for Quotation : S-JO100-13-Q-0008

The American Embassy- Amman has a requirement for a contractor to provide 2 Chevrolet Tahoe model 2011-2012, full insurance and 24 hours services up to September 30,2013 . You are invited to submit a quotation.  The Request for Quotations (RFQ) consists of the following sections:

Standard Form SF-18 (1 MB)

The Embassy plans to award a purchase order.  You are encouraged to make your quotation competitive.  You are also cautioned against any collusion with other potential offerors with regard to price quotations to be submitted.  The RFQ does not commit the American Embassy to make any award.  The Embassy may cancel this RFQ or any part of it.

Please read the RFQ carefully, and if you are interested, submit your quotation. Return the completed SF-18 to the address shown in Block 5a of the SF-18 or via e-mail by 12:00 pm, Thursday February 14, 2013.  Oral quotations will not be accepted.


Request for Quotation : S-JO100-13-Q-0007

The American Embassy- Amman has a requirement for a contractor to provide USCENTOM 4 MB WAN LINK (PDF 932 KB) . You are invited to submit a quotation.  The Request for Quotations (RFQ) consists of the following sections:

  • Standard Form SF-18
  • Scope of work.

The Embassy plans to award a purchase order.  You are encouraged to make your quotation competitive. You are also cautioned against any collusion with other potential offerors with regard to price quotations to be submitted. The RFQ does not commit the American Embassy to make any award. The Embassy may cancel this RFQ or any part of it.

Please read the RFQ  carefully, and if you are interested, submit your quotation. Return the completed SF-18 to the address shown in Block 5a of the SF-18 or via e-mail by 12:00 am, Monday February 4, 2013.  Oral quotations will not be accepted.




General Services Office (Contracting Unit)
U.S. Embassy
P. O. Box 354, Amman, 11118

Phone: +962-6-590-6000
FAX: +962-06-592-7957