In the News

Scott Bolstad, regional director for U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) held “mobile office hours” in Somerset on Jan. 4 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Jan. 4.

“Sen. Johnson has permanent offices in Milwaukee and Oshkosh, but he also wanted to make his office more readily available to constituents outside those cities,” said Melinda Schnell, Johnson’s communications advisor.

Johnson’s staff visits each county at least once each quarter, Schnell said.

“Most constituents come in because they need help overcoming government red tape — often while applying for Social Security benefits or veterans; benefits,” Schnell said. “Our staff hears countless stories about excessive federal regulation and uncertainty about new ‘Obamacare’ rules.”

She said not many constituents commented on the “fiscal cliff” until December.

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