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Embassy Outreach

Embassy Speaker Program

One of the best ways to get to know the United States and its people is of course to travel and live in the U.S. Perhaps the second best way is by conversing with Americans living right here in Brunei..One of our top priorities at the Embassy is to arrange for our diplomatic representatives to visit and speak to groups of people around Brunei. In the past, we have arranged for officers to discuss American foreign policy, the work of the United States government, and other aspects of American society, and culture at a number of venues around Brunei.

The U.S. Embassy has established a Speakers' program, offering your group or school the chance to hear from Americans first-hand on the topics of interest to you. Our goal is to get American diplomats talking face-to-face with people who want to hear from them. Diplomacy is not only shaping policy…it's sharing experience and getting to know one another. The Diplomatic staff come to Brunei with varied and extensive academic, cultural and professional backgrounds, all of which they are eager to share.

Whether you're interested in life in America or U.S. foreign policy, the Embassy has someone who can speak on the issue. We're looking for a wide range of audience - secondary and university students, community organizations, conferences, media, local governments and NGO’s, etc.

Topics include American perspectives on:

  • U.S. Government/Politics
  • History
  • Education 
  • Sports
  • Travel and tourism
  • Defense and security
  • Cultural diversity

Speakers are available at no charge!

Contact Public Affairs

  • If you would be interested in a speaker from the U.S. Embassy, please contact the Embassy’s Public Affairs Section at (673) 238-4616 or