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MCC Threshold Program

Photo Credit: MCC Albania Threshold Agreement
A year after opening its doors in September 2007, Albania\'s National Registration Center (headquarters pictured below) has registered 18,000 new businesses and provides online public access to business registration data. This easy, low-cost administrative process has improved Albania’s business climate.

Millennium Challenge Albania Threshold Agreement

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Agreement Programs assist countries that are on the “threshold” of meeting eligibility for Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) Compacts and are committed to undertaking policy reforms to improve their performance on these criteria. 

MCC measures performance in three areas — Ruling Justly, Investing in People, and Encouraging Economic Freedom — using 16 policy indicators that have a demonstrated link to effecting poverty reduction and economic growth.  Threshold Agreement assistance is used to help such countries address specific policy weaknesses indicated by the countries’ scores on these policy indicators.

On October 17, 2008, the United States and the Government of Albania publically signed a second bilateral agreement to implement a two-year, $15.7 million “Stage II” Threshold Program. This program builds on the success of the first MCC Threshold program that ended in November 2008. The MCC Stage I program assisted the GoA to reform and modernize tax administration, public procurement, and business registration processes, through IT solutions and legislative enhancements.

The MCC Stage II program aims to improve the judicial system’s capacity to handle administrative disputes, reduce corruption and inefficiency in tax administration, establish a one-stop shop for business licensing, create a transparent construction permit system, and form Joint Investigative Units in six cities to investigate corruption cases.

Support to Albania's Threshold Agreement - part one

Support to Albania's Threshold Agreement - part two

Final Report of the MCC Albania Stage I Threshold Program  [PDF, 24MB]


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