Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP)

IMCOM-Europe is responsible for execution of the Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP) in the European Theater of Operation. ATSTP training, as required per AR 385-10 & USAREUR TASKORD 07-0250 (Army Traffic Safety Training Program), has been implemented to help reduce both on and off duty traffic mishaps and goes above and beyond training required for a USAREUR/SETAF/SHAPE/USAFE driver’s license. Click here for additional regulations.

Effective immediately: Only Active Duty Soldiers are permitted to ATSTP contract-based Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) rider courses per DoDI 6055.04. Civilians/Contractors may only be trained by voluntary MSF RiderCoaches off-duty. Paperwork is in process to delete the requirement for Civilians/Contractors (when applying for US Army in Europe license or motorcycle registration) to be MSF-trained within the recent three years, from AE Regulation 190-1. Specific guidance for Italy will follow – until final resolution, Civilians/Contractors must take MSF training by voluntary MSF RiderCoaches off-duty. Note: NAVSUPPACT NAPLES INST 11240.29D is dated 16 July 2009, but USASETAF Reg 190-2 has not been updated since 10 Jan 2007.

In an effort to improve the registration process, ATSTP has implemented a new system through AIRS (Army IMCOM Registration System). Registration is strongly encouraged for driving courses, but is not required. For MSF courses, registration is required. For instructions on how to use AIRS please click here.

New MSF Registration Guidelines: Registration for all MSF courses will close 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled training.

Title Instructional Method Target Audience Status
Accident Avoidance Course
(4 hours)
Web-based on AKO Learning Management Server All Soldiers and civilian drivers of AMVs/ GSA fleet (AR 385-10) Active
Introduction to Driver’s Training
(1 hour)
AIT Classroom Instruction AIT Students Provided in AIT classrooms
Local Hazards
(USAREUR Drivers License,
SHAPE License,
USAFE License,
SETAF License)
Classroom Drivers license training All Soldiers and civilians Provided at Driver Training and Testing Stations
Intermediate Driver Course (IDC) -
2.5 hours
Classroom Soldiers under 26 years of age, includes non-drivers Training currently being offered
MSF Basic Rider Course (BRC)
(2 days/16 hours)
Classroom Instructions & Range Exercises Soldier Motorcycle riders:
Newly Licensed OR Re-entry Riders
Training currently being offered
MSF Experienced Rider Course (ERC)
(1 day/8 hours)
Classroom Instructions & Range Exercises Soldier Motorcycle Riders Training currently being offered
MSF Military Sport Bike Course (MSRC)
(1 day/8 hours)
Classroom Instructions & Range Exercises Soldier Sportbike Riders Training currently being offered

Motorcycle Rules & Regulations

To ride a motorcycle legally in Europe, the Army requires you to attend a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) course. You must have your stateside license with motorcycle endorsement or host nation license with endorsement to obtain a temporary USAREUR, SETAF, SHAPE, USAFE certificate of license. You also need to temporarily register your motorcycle with vehicle registration. Successful completion of an MSF course allows you permanent licensure and vehicle registration. Please contact your local Driver’s Testing & Training Station (DTTS) and vehicle registration office for additional information. Click here for details.


In Europe, MSF certifications are good for three years. Pre-registration is required. An online questionnaire is available for sport-bike and cruiser riders to help determine which course is best for you.

For information regarding Garrison travel distances and times in Europe, Click Here.

Motorcycle trainings require a minimum of six students (this is part of the US ARMY ATSTP contract). Students who need to withdraw from an MSF course, are required to give 24 hour notice by contacting IMCOM-Europe Safety. Failure to do so will put the student on 30-day stand-by notice, meaning the student will have to wait 30 days before being allowed to attend another course (however, if earlier classes do not fill up, the IMCOM-Europe Safety office may choose to make an exception).

Please read the Class Requirements and Personal Protection Equipment before attending your MSF course. Click here for maps and locations.

In the event of extreme weather conditions (i.e. heavy snow or ice), courses may be cancelled without notice. Rain will not cause MSF courses to be cancelled. Weather-related cancellations are at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor may also choose to stop a class due to the onset of extreme weather, postponing completion for another date.

IMCOM - Europe Sponsored MSF RiderCoach Courses

In order to ensure adequate numbers of qualified MSF RiderCoaches are available to conduct command traffic safety training as required by AE 190-1, IMCOM-Europe conducts train-the-trainer courses. Sponsoring commands (Direct Report Garrisons) are encouraged to review their current MSF RiderCoaches for certification expiration dates and prospective losses. (Initial RiderCoach certification period is two years with refresher training required every two years thereafter).

ATTENTION: If you’re an MSF RiderCoach who has recently arrived in Europe, please send an email to so that we can add you to our MSF RiderCoaches in Europe database.

RiderCoaches must follow ALL Army regulations, to include those for licensing, found in AR 385-10, Ch. 11-9 and AER 190-1, Ch. 2-2.

The IMCOM-Europe RiderCoach Qualification Requirements apply to those individuals teaching all MSF courses.

Click the following link for information on the courses being offered:


Those wishing to apply to take an Army sponsored RCP course must complete an application packet. Click below for required application packet items:

Send completed packets to IMCOM-Europe ATSTP.

Contact Information

IMCOM-Europe Safety
Phone: DSN: 370-8003/9120 (CIV: 06221-57-8003/9120)