Thomas Macdonough, Captain USN

ADS dated 30 May 1812, Middletown [Connecticut]. Receipt of $79.20 for half pay as a Lieutenant in the Navy from 26 January to 25 May 1812.

Thomas Macdonough letter dated May 30th 1812

Thomas Macdonough letter dated
May 30, 1812


United States
May 30, 1812
To Thomas Macdonough
For half pay as Lieutenant in
Navy from 26 Jan[uar]y 1812 to 25th
May following, inclusive, is four
months at 20 dollars - $80
Tip for hospital money .80
Dollars 79.20
Received Middletown June 20, 1812 of
John Morgan, Navy agent, twenty nine dollars
twenty cents, in being for above account
having signed duplicate receipts for the same.
T. Macdonough