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English Language Programs and Resources

Trace Effects Webinar Series

RELO Office Bangkok would like to invite interested participants to join in the free English Language Teaching Webinar per the following details below.

  • Trace Effects Webinar series will run from November 20, 2012 to March 12, 2013. 
  • Each 45-minute webinar will take place every other Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. (22:00 hrs. Thailand time) 
  • You do not need to pre-register for the Trace Effects Webinar Series. 
  • To participate, log in here as a guest: (or

Your computer must have Adobe Flash Player, which comes pre-installed on most computers worldwide.  If prompted to do so, you may download the free player at

Introduction to Trace Effects
Rick Rosenberg
Tuesday November 20, 2012
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Teaching with Trace Effects: Tips in the Teacher's Manual
Dawn Bikowski
Tuesday December 4, 2012
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Extending Learning in Trace Effects: Practice Activities and Multi-player Games
Deborah Healey
Tuesday December 18, 2012
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Using Trace Effects Graphic Novels and Video in the Classroom
Deborah Healey
Tuesday January 15, 2013
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Evaluating Trace Effects: How Do You Know What Works?
Deborah Healey
Tuesday January 29, 2013
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Learning by Doing: Communicative Language Teaching with Trace Effects
Jacqueline Gardy
Tuesday February 12, 2013
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Trace Effects and the TESOL Standards
eff Kuhn
Tuesday February 26, 2013
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.
Incorporating Trace Effects Teacher’s Manual Activities into Lesson Plans
Dawn Bikowski
Tuesday March 12, 2013
22:00 hrs. to 22:45 hrs. Thailand time.

Webinar Series


The Regional English Language Office (RELO), part of the Media and Cultural section of the United States Embassy in Bangkok, seeks to improve English language learning and promote the effective use of English as a medium of global communication in Southeast Asia (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam). Our activities also help to foster mutual understanding between Americans and peoples of other nations.

RELO Programs and Services

Some of the programs and services offered by the RELO include:

Recommended Social Networking Site:

  • Join ExchangesConnect and become part of a growing global community of people interested in cross-cultural dialogue and international exchange. The site is administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Department of State.  Join us!

Contact Information

  • Regional English Language Office (RELO)
    Address: GPF Wittayu Tower 10th Floor, 93/1 Wireless Road
    Bangkok 10330 Thailand.
    Tel: +66-2-205-4492
    Fax: +66-2-650-8923