Outline of American Geography
Regional Landscapes of the United States


Stephen S. Birdsall and John Florin
Published 1998

  1. Themes and Regions
  2. The Physical Environment
  3. Foundations of Human Activity
  4. Megalopolis
  5. The Manufacturing Core
  6. The Bypassed East
  7. Appalachia and the Ozarks
  8. The Deep South
  9. The Southern Coastlands
  10. The Agricultural Core: The Deep North
  11. The Great Plains and Prairies
  12. The Empty Interior
  13. The Southwest Border Area
  14. California
  15. The North Pacific Coast
  16. The Northlands
  17. Hawaii
  18. State Capitals

This volume is abridged from "Regional Landscapes of the United States and Canada", Fourth Edition, by Stephen S. Birdsall and John Florin. Copyright 1992 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Authorized abridgement and translation from the English language edition published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Managing Editor:Rosalie Targonski
Text Editor:Kathleen Hug
Art Director:Thaddeus A. Miksinski, Jr.
Picture Editor:Barry Fitzgerald
Internet Editor:Suzanne Dawkins
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