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Doing Business in Paraguay

Doing Business in Paraguay

If you are considering investing in or doing business in Paraguay, here are some steps you may wish to consider as you get started:

Learn about Doing Business in Paraguay in our Country Commercial Guide (CCG). The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) presents an overview of Paraguay's commercial environment, using economic, political, and market analysis. It is prepared annually through the combined efforts of several U.S. Government agencies at the U.S. Embassy in Asuncion. U.S. companies may access the latest Paraguay Country Commercial Guide by clicking on the following link: Paraguay Country Commercial Guide 2012

Register with the U.S. Embassy – If you are planning a visit to consider investment, let us know by sending an email to

Contact local U.S. business support organizations, such as the Paraguayan - American Chamber of Commerce

Subscribe to our embassy Facebook page or Twitter feed

If you are a current U.S. investor in Paraguay the U.S Embassy wants to stay in touch. Here are a few steps you can take to keep the channels of communication open:

Register with the U.S. Embassy – If you are active in Paraguay, let us know by sending an email to

Add us to your mailing lists – we are always happy to stay informed

Subscribe to our embassy Facebook page or Twitter feed

Set up a meeting with our economic or commercial team to discuss any issues that arise by sending an email to

Exporting to Paraguay

In 2009, President Obama announced the National Export Initiative (NEI) with the goal of doubling exports by 2014. U.S. embassies are committed to supporting U.S. companies to start exporting or grow their exports to Paraguay. In this section, you’ll find an quick description of Paraguay as an export market and some suggestions for getting started.

Getting Started

Please find below some practical steps you should follow to make best use of US government services.

Visit the page on Paraguay to get an overview of economic conditions and opportunities.  Access the U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library containing more than 100,000 industry and country-specific market reports, authored by our specialists working in overseas posts.

Contact your local U.S. Export Assistance Center for advice and support on exporting to Paraguay . Contact a Trade Specialist Near You (

Working in Paraguay

In this section you will find information on business visas, travel advisories, and anti-corruption tools.

Business Visas

For information on obtaining a visa to visit Paraguay visit

Travel Advisories

Make sure to check the current State Department travel advisory for Paraguay.


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is an important anti-corruption tool designed to discourage corrupt business practices in favor of free and fair markets.  The FCPA prohibits promising, offering, giving or authorizing giving anything of value to a foreign government official where the purpose is to obtain or retain business.  These prohibitions apply to U.S. persons, both individuals and companies, and companies that are listed on U.S. exchanges. The statute also requires companies publicly traded in the U.S. to keep accurate books and records and implement appropriate internal controls. More information on the FCPA can be found here:

Please find below some practical steps you should follow to make best use of US government services.

1.  Visit the page on Paraguay to get an overview of economic conditions and opportunities.  Access the U.S. Commercial Service Market Research Library containing more than 100,000 industry and country-specific market reports, authored by our specialists working in overseas posts.

2.  Contact your local U.S. Export Assistance Center for advice and support on exporting to Paraguay . Contact a Trade Specialist Near You (

Contact Info