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U.S.–India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative


On July 18, 2005, President George W. Bush and Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh announced the U.S.India Knowledge Initiative on Agricultural Education, Teaching, Research, Service, and Commercial Linkages (AKI). Recognizing the long history of cooperation in agriculture and the success of India’s Green Revolution launched 40 years ago with U.S. assistance, the AKI builds on this tradition of collaboration and addresses new challenges and opportunities of modern-day agriculture. Through public-private partnerships, it will help to facilitate technology transfer, trade, and investment and bolster agricultural research, education, and extension. In pursuing these objectives, a critical component is cooperation on development of effective policy, regulatory, and institutional frameworks. These, in turn, will contribute to increased prosperity for farmers and agricultural growth.

Since its inception, the AKI has made notable progress. Both countries created a board comprised of academia, government, and private sector representatives from the United States and India. The board agreed to a three-year work plan that supports the "Evergreen Revolution," which is based on environmentally sustainable, market-oriented agriculture. To jump start the Initiative, the United States secured funding of $8 million in fiscal year 2006, with a total of $24 million pledged through 2008.

See the AKI Fact Sheet for more information about the work plan.


U.S. Department of Agriculture

The White House

U.S. Department of State

Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture

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