About OGIS

Office of Government Information Services

OGIS Timeline

Sept. 8, 2009 Miriam Nisbet opens the Office of Government Information Services
Sept. 9, 2009 OGIS opens its first case involving a delay
Sept. 30, 2009 Director Nisbet testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing on "Advancing Freedom of Information in the New Era of Responsibility"
Oct. 13, 2009 Staff Assistant Barbara Gordon joins OGIS
Oct. 20, 2009 Website goes live
Oct. 26, 2009 Candace Boston joins the OGIS staff as its first analyst
Nov. 10, 2009 OGIS adds to its web site a case-tracking log allowing customers to check the status of their OGIS cases
Nov. 22, 2009 Attorney Adviser Corinna Zarek becomes OGIS's fourth staff member
Dec. 6, 2009 Karen Finnegan joins the OGIS staff as deputy director
Dec. 7, 2009 OGIS and the Department of Justice' s Office of Information Policy (OIP) co-host a meeting for FOIA Public Liaisons to discuss the new FOIA landscape
Jan. 21, 2010 OGIS receives its 50th case
Feb. 9-11 & 24-26, 2010 OGIS works through the blizzards of 2010
Mar. 1, 2010 Analyst Carrie McGuire joins the OGIS staff
Mar. 9, 2010 OGIS receives its 100th case
Mar. 15-19, 2010 OGIS participates in a number of Sunshine Week events
Mar. 18, 2010 Director Nisbet testifies before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Subcommittee
Mar. 23, 2010 OGIS holds its first training session for FOIA Public Liaisons in collaboration with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and OIP
Apr. 18-23, 2010 Director Nisbet represents OGIS at the Chilean Council for Transparency
Apr. 29, 2010 OGIS receives its 200th case
May 10, 2010 Analyst Kirsten Mitchell becomes OGIS's seventh staff member
May 24, 2010 Adrianna Rodriguez becomes OGIS's first law clerk
July 14, 2010 OGIS receives its 300th case
Aug. 24, 2010 Director Nisbet represents OGIS at the 7th National Transparency Week Conference in Mexico City, Mexico




















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