GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Presentations, Seminars, & External Talks (2009)

10/2/2008 Vecchi Tropical Circulation, Global Warming and the Future

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ

Natural and forced modulation of ENSO in the GFDL CM2.1 coupled GCM
Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
   University of Maryland
College Park, MD
10/21/2008 Vecchi Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Over Warm Pool Regions CLIVAR-AAMP Meeting and WCRP Monsoon Workshop

Beijing, China

10/21/2008 Findell Impact of Common SST Anomalies on Global Drought and Pluvial Frequency U.S. Clivar Drought Working Group Meeting

Lincoln, NE

11/9/2008 Dunne Coupling Between the C,N,P,Fe,Si, Ca and Lithogenic Cycles in a Global Ocean Biogeochemical Ecological Model Conference on "Integrating Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in a Changing Ocean

Miami, FL



Simulation of the 2001 Planet-Encircling Dust Storms with the NASA/NOAA Mars GCM Third International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observation


11/12/2008 Ramaswamy Climate Modeling at GFDL: The Scientific Challenge NCEP

Camp Springs, MD

11/17/2008 Lau The Role of Air-Sea Interaction in the Climatological Evolution and ENSO-Related Variability of the Summer Over South China Sea and Western Pacific Conference on Teleconnections in the Atmosphere and Oceans

Trieste, Italy

11/18/2008 Held Aspects of the Theory of Telecommunications Conference on Teleconnections in the Atmosphere and Oceans

Trieste, Italy

11/24/2008 Westley Ocean Fertilization, Carbon Credits and the Kyoto Protocol Climate Working Group and ONE NOAA Seminar

Silver Spring, MD

12/2/2008 Lin The GFDL High-Resolution Atmosphere Model for Short-Term Forecast and Long-term Simulation of Tropical Cyclones Third International Workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling

Honolulu , Hi

12/2/2008 Bender Simulation of Intense Atlantic Hurricanes Activity in a 21st Century Warmed Climate Using the GFDL High-Resolution, Coupled Hurricane Model Third International Workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling

Honolulu , Hi

12/2/2008 Delworth Decadal Mechanism of the Atlantic MOC Fall Meeting of Climate Research Committee of National Academy

Washington DC

12/2/2008 Rosati Decadal Prediction: Ocean Initialization and Related Data Issues Fall Meeting of Climate Research Committee of National Academy

Washington DC

12/3/2008 Ginoux NOAA GFDL Dust Modeling Effort/AEROCOM Dust Project and Evaluation Data NOAA/NCEP

Washington DC

12/3/2008 Vecchi Hurricane and Climate NOAA HQ

Silver Spring, MD

12/10/2008 Lau A Model Investigation on the Role of Air-Sea Interaction in the Climatological Evolution and ENSO-related Variability of the Summer Monsoon over South China Sea and Western Pacific

School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY
12/12/2008 Knutson Have Humans Affected Atlantic Hurricane Climate? Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Palisades, NY

12/12/2008 Westley Ocean Fertilization, Carbon Credits and the Kyoto Protocol Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) Career Workshop and AGU

San Francisco, CA



Understanding ENSO Modulation in the GFDL CM2.1 Coupled GCM Fall AGU Meeting

San Francisco, CA

12/14/2008 Ramaswamy Spectral Signature of Climate Change at the Top of the Atmosphere American Geophysical Union

San Francisco, CA

1/21/2009 Lin GFDL's High-Resolution Simulations and Vision for the Future Workshop on Climate Models on 100 K and 1 M Cores

Chicago, IL

1/23/2009 Zhang Coherent Surface-Subsurface Fingerprint of the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Palisades, NY

1/29/2009 Gnanadesikan What If the Ocean Were Blue? The Impact of Shortwave Absorption on Climate

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA

1/29/2009 Donner Convection System and Large-Scale Flow

Royal Academy Symposium on Numerical Simulations in Science and Engineering

Seville, Spain

2/2/2009 Lin A Multi-Scale Non-Hydrostatic Modeling System for Tropical Cyclone Predictions NOAA/AMOL

Miami, FL

2/5/2009 Stouffer Oceans Role in Climate Changes

Bucknell University

Lewisburg, PA

2/8/2009 Vecchi Climate Change and Tropical Circulation

George Mason University

Fairfax, Va

2/10/2009 Ramaswamy The Science of Climate Modeling: What has been Accomplished and What Are the Challenges? NOBLIS

Falls Church, Va

2/13/2009 Stouffer Uncertainty in the Response to Increasing CO2 American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL

2/14/2009 Knutson Has Global Warming Affected Atlantic Hurricane Activity? American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL

2/18/2009 Levy CCSP 3.2: Air Quality vs. Climate ESRL

Boulder, CO

2/18/2009 Gnanadesikan GFDL's Earth System Modeling Efforts as part of AR5 JAMSTEC Workshop on Earth System Modeling

Yokohama, Japan

2/20/2009 Rosati Linkages Between ISI and Decadal/Centennial Time Scales NOAA Workshop on Intraseasonal and Interannual Prediction

Silver Spring, MD

2/23/2009 Ramaswamy Modeling of the Earth System Senate Commerce Committee Staff

Washington DC

3/2/2009 Bender Upgrades to the GFON Model for 2009 and Beyond IHC Meeting Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL
3/3/2009 Ramaswamy Unresolved and Under-Resolved issues Concerning Aerosols: Implications for Climate Estimates. Joint IPCC-WCRP-IGBP Workshop: New Science Directions and Activities Relevant to the IPCC AR5

Honolulu , Hi

3/4/2009 Vecchi Cooperative Actions for Disaster Risk Reduction Climate Change and wind

Tokyo, Japan

3/16/2009 Donner Cloud Macrophysics, Microphysics, and Aerosol in Climate and NWP Models NCEP/EMC/CPO Workshop on Parameterization of Cloudiness

Washington DC

CO2-induced changes in tropical climate, as simulated by the GFDL coupled

International ENSO Workshop, Greenhouse 2009

Perth, Australia

Understanding & simulating El Nino: Lessons from the GFDL coupled GCMs

Bureau of Meteorology (CAWCR)

Melbourne, Australia

Understanding & simulating El Nino: Lessons from the GFDL coupled GCMs
CSIRO Marine Laboratories 
Hobart, Tasmania


Natural modulation of ENSO in the GFDL CM2.1 coupled GCM EGU General Assembly Vienna, Austria
4/19/2009 Donner Cumulus Parameterization in the GFDL AR5 General Circulation Model European Geosciences Union

Vienna, Austria

4/19/2009 Freidenreich Analysis of Shortwave Surface Flux Biases in the GFDL GCM European Geosciences Union

Vienna, Austria

4/19/2009 Vecchi Climate Change Signature in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Galapagos Climate Change Workshop

Galapagos, Ecuador

4/23/2009 Knutson Atlantic Hurricanes and Global Warming Tokio Marines 4th Summit on Global Warming and Climate Change

Atlanta, GA

4/25/2009 Hallberg Scaling Eddy Parameterizations with Marginally Resolved Eddies CLIVAR/Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMOD) Workshop on Ocean Mesoscale Eddies

Exeter, UK

4/28/2009 Ramaswamy Quantifying Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities Special Session- International Human Dimensions Programs Meeting

Bonn, Germany



Traveling Waves and Instabilities in the Martian Atmosphere

University of Maryland

College Park, MD

5/3/2009 Marchok Evaluation of Rainfall and Wind Structure Forecast in Operational Models and HFIP Model Verification Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP) Workshop

Miami, FL

5/4/2009 Delworth Simulated Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Response to Climate Change in a High Resolution Global Coupled Climate Model Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Meeting

Annapolis, MD

5/4/2009 Zhang Coherent Surface-Subsurface Fingerprint of the Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Circulation Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Meeting

Annapolis, MD

5/12/2009 Vecchi Pacific Response to Global Warming

Florida State University and University of Miami

Tallahassee/Miami, FL
5/18/2009 Levy Interactions between Climate and Air Quality 30th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution

San Francisco, CA

5/24/2009 Vecchi Towards Attribution of Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity Changes American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting

Toronto, Canada


Indonesian Throughflow transports, variability, and change in the GFDL
coupled GCMs
International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT) Workshop, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Palisades, NY


Glimpse From Inside the Fascinating World of Modeling (Climate) NOAA Hollings Scholars Orientation

Silver Spring, MD

5/31/2009 Vecchi

Indian Ocean Climate Change and Variability in GFDL Coupled Model

CLIVAR Indian Ocean Panel Meeting St. Denis, La Reunion, France
6/9/2009 Stock From Phytoplankton to Fish: Global Patterns in Energy Flow Through Marine Ecosystems NOAA Washington DC



Natural modulation of ENSO in the GFDL CM2.1 coupled GCM

13th Annual CCSM Workshop

Breckenridge, CO
6/20/2009 Sentman The Importance of Land Use for the Evaluation of Terrestrial Carbon: Preindustrial Equilibrium or Transient? QUEST/GLASS Workshop for Benchmarking Land Surface Models Exeter, UK
6/21/2009 Dixon The Atmosphere-Ocean Connection in the Earth's Climate System AMS Broadcast Mets Pre-Conference Workshop Portland, OR
6/23/2009 Knutson Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change Northeast Tropical

Rensselaerville, NY


Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, NY
Decadal Variability and Projections of
Future Climate Change

NCAR Marine Ecosystem and Climate Summer Colloquium
Future Directions of Chemistry-Climate Interactions
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) "Future Direction" Workshop
London, UK
Modeling Anthropogenic Climate Change
Koshland Museum
Washington, DC
Ocean Estimation for Climate Research
Ocean Obs 09 Conference
Venice, Italy
Control on the Ratio of Mezozooplankton Production to Primary Production in Marine Ecosystem
ICES Annual Science Conference
Berlin, Germany
Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Change
Pennysylvania State University
State College, PA