GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Presentations, Seminars, & External Talks (2011)

10/1/2010 Stouffer Status of CMIP5 Run at GFDL WGNE Meeting Exeter, UK
10/5/2010 Winton Do Climate Models Underestimate the Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Cover? IARC CliC Workshop on Arctic Sea Ice Changes Fairbanks, AK
10/6/2010 Knutson Hurricanes and Climate Change University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
10/12/2010 Donner Recent Developments in Climate Modeling WGNE Meeting Tokyo, Japan
10/15/2010 Dixon Projections of 21st Century Climate Variability & Change - A Scientific Briefing Farmer Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Salem County, NJ Salem, NJ
10/19/2010 Knutson Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Changes The World Delta Conference New Orleans, LA
10/20/2010 Ramaswamy The Challenge of Making GCM Operational Global Climate Monitoring (GCM) Conference Cambridge, MA
10/25/2010 Knutson Atlantic Hurricanes and Climate Changes Hurricane and Science Symposium New Orleans, LA
10/30/2010 Lau Role of IPCC in communicating scientific knowledge of Climate Change to Policy makers Civic Exchange/ IPCC ARS Working Groups Hong Kong, China
11/1/2010 S. Zhang Current Capabilities of Ocean-Atmosphere Assimilation CLIVAR IESA Workshop Baltimore, MD
11/3/2010 Gnanadesikan Evaluating Ocean Iron Fertilization as a Carbon Mitigation Technique Cornell University Ithaca, NY
11/5/2010 Griffies Ocean Modeling at GFDL Australian Bureau of Meteorology Climate Science Meeting Sydney, Australia
11/8/2010 Bender HFIP Regional Model Summary for 2010 HFIP Annual Meeting Miami, FL
11/8/2010 Marchok 1) Performance of GFDL Ensemble in 2010
2) Annual Report for HFIP Verification Team
HFIP Annual Meeting Miami, FL
11/9/2010 Dixon Global Climate Models - Strengths and Limits for Water Resource Planning Federal Climate Changes & Water Working Group Workshop Boulder, CO
11/10/2010 Donner Applying Multivariate Probability Density Functions with Dynamics to Cloud Aerosol FASTER Meeting New York, NY
11/14/2010 Knutson Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones St. Denis, La Reunion, France
11/15/2010 Ramaswamy Climate and Earth System Modeling WCRP Modeling Coordination Meeting Paris, France
12/8/2010 Dixon On the Use of Global Climate Models Output as Input to Regional Climate Impacts Analyses U.S. National Assessment Workshop Arlington, VA
12/13/2010 Toggweiler 1) Role of Atmospheric CO2 in the Ice Ages
2) Why do Organisms in the Atlantic Produce so much CaCO3?
Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2010 Lin Applying Ultra-High Resolution Global Weather-Climate Models for Hurricanes Predictions Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2010 Dunne BGC Feedback on Ocean Carbon Uptake and Sensitivity to Climate Change in an ESM Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/13/2010 Field North American Isoprene Influence on Intercontinental Ozone Pollution Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/15/2010 Wilson Water Ice Clouds and Thermal Structure in the Martian Tropics as Revealed by MARS Climate Sounder Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
12/16/2010 Winton Do Climate Models Underestimate the Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Cover? Fall 2010 AGU Meeting San Francisco, CA
01/24/2011 Ming (1) Aerosol-Induced Circulation Changes
(2) Absorbing Aerosols from Radiative Forcing to Hydrological Response
Various Universities in China and Japan Shanghai, China and Tokyo, Japan
02/05/2011 Wilson (1)Water Ice Clouds and Thermal Structure in the Martian Tropics as Revealed by MARS Climate Sounder
(2) The Derivation of Atmospheric Opacity from Surface Temperature Observation
(3) Dust Cycle Modeling with the GFDL Mars General Circulation Model
4th International Workshop on the MARS Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations Paris, France
02/13/2011 Stock On the use of the IPCC-class models to asses the impact of climate on living Marine Resources 2011 American Society of Limnology and Oceanography San Juan, PR
02/24/2011 Persad Robust Tropical Tropospheric Responses to Absorbing Aerosols Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA
02/28/2011 Marchok The Performance of a GFDL Hurricane Model Ensemble Forecast System During the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference Miami, FL
03/01/2011 Stock Connecting Climate and Regional Ecosystems Impacts: Progress and Challenges Workshop on Climate and Ecosystems Change in the NW Atlantic Woods Hole, MA
03/02/2011 Dixon Investigating the Potential for Decadal Climate Predictability Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA
03/07/2011 Zhang, S. Coupled Model Data Assimilation for Initialization of SI-Decadal Predictions KAKUSHIN Decadal Prediction Workshop Tsukuba, Japan
03/09/2011 Stock Connecting Climate and Regional Ecosystems Impacts: Progress and Challenges NOAA Science Advisory Board Washington, DC
03/09/2011 Ming Absorbing Aerosols from Radiative Forcing to Hydrological Response Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY
03/13/2011 Ramaswamy Climate Forcing Response and Air Quality, Climate change- from Global to Regional, Climate Change of Relevance for Society Indo US Climate Air Quality Ansal Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology , Madan Climate Forum Delhi, Kanpur, Chennai; India
04/05/2011 Lau Climatology and interannual variability of the onset of the South Asian Summer Monsoon Science Advisory Board of Beijing Climate Center; Review of Chinese University Program Beijing and Hong Kong, China
04/06/2011 Vechhi High Resolution Modeling of the Monsoon CLIVAR Asian Australian Monsoon Panel Meeting Beijing, China
04/11/2011 Westley Innovations in measuring monitoring CO2 and pH in the oceans Member of US delegation to meeting of the Scientific Groups of the London Convention Talinn,Estonia
04/20/2011 Vecchi Interpreting Century-Scale Changes in Atlantic TS Records National Hurricane Conference Atlanta, GA
04/21/2011 Dixon From the Best Available Science to Actionable Science: Using Climate Model Results Meteorologist & Climate Change Science Workshop Norman, OK
04/24/2011 Held State of Climate Modeling Related to Solar/Climate Connections NRC Planning Meeting for Solar Variability and Climate Workshop Washington DC
04/26/2011 Bender Challenges Facing Numerical Hurricane Prediction WRF Hurricane Tutorial Boulder, CO
04/27/2011 Marchok The Use of the GFDL Vortex Tracker NCAR/HFIP Hurricane Tutorial Boulder, CO
04/28/2011 Knutson Anthropogenic Influence on Atlantic Hurricanes: Could Current Assessments be Seriously Flawed? Tokio Marine's 2011 Summit on Global Warming and Climate Change Atlanta, GA
05/16/2011 Vecchi Simulation of Tropical Cyclones Over the 1800 - 2007 Period Using a 100km AGCM Northeast Tropical Workshop Boston, MA
05/17/2011 Wittenberg Whither ENSO? NASA GSFC Greenbelt,MD
05/18/2011 Ming Aerosol-Induced General Circulation Changes Center for Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) Calverton, MD
05/20/2011 Lau Air-Sea Interaction associated with Onset of the South Asian Monsoon Science Advisory Board Meeting Of Research Center For Environmental Changes Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan
05/23/2011 Dunne Measurements and Measurement Strategies to Inform Global OBGCMs and Vice Versa Scoping Workshop for Global BGC Flux Ocean Observation Initiative Woods Hole, MA
06/05/2011 Donner Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in Boundary-Layer Clouds: Perspectives from Macrophysics CFMIP/GCSS Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks Exeter, UK
06/06/2011 Ming Aerosol-Induced General Circulation Changes Task Force on Hemisphere Transport of Air Pollution Meeting Ispra, Italy
06/07/2011 Ramaswamy Climate Change: Science And impacts of Relevance for Environments and Society International Conference on Ecological Environmental and Biological Sciences 2011 Bangkok, Thailand
06/13/2011 Held Upper Tropospheric Baroclinicity AMS Fluid Dynamics of Atmosphere and Ocean Spokane, WA
06/18/2011 Fiore Key Drivers of Methane Lifetime Evolution from 1860-2100 CESM Annual Workshop Breckenridge, CO
06/21/2011 Zhang, S. The Constraint of Model Drifts in Decadal Predictions by Coupled State-Parameter Optimization ECMWF Workshop Reading, UK
06/22/2011 Held The Latitude of the Storm Track CESM Annual Workshop Breckenridge, CO
06/22/2011 Dunne GFDL's ESM2 Series Simulation of Coupled Carbon, Climate and Ecosystems CESM Annual Workshop Breckenridge, CO
06/25/2011 Hallberg Impacts of Diapycnal Interior Ocean Mixing on Climate IUGG/IAPSO Meeting Melbourne, Australia
06/26/2011 Vecchi Analyses of Predictions and Predictability in Tropical Atlantic Workshop on "Making Sense of the Multi-Models Decadal Predictions Experiments from CMIP5" Aspen, CO
06/26/2011 Stock Modeling the Transfer of Energy from Primary Producers to Mesozooplankton in a Global Circulation Model Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modeling Research Meeting Aspen, CO
06/26/2011 Rosati States of GFDL Decadal Predictions Workshop on "Making Sense of the Multi-Models Decadal Predictions Experiments from CMIP5" Aspen, CO
06/27/2011 Knutson Hurricanes and Climate Change Meteorological Society 2011 Conference Exeter, UK
07/08/2011 Persad Using Energy Balance Constraints to Analyze the Robust of the Modeled Tropospheric Response to Absorbing Aerosol: Implications for Radiative and Hydrological Forcing Gordon Research Conference Waterville, ME
07/10/2011 Golaz Micro- and Macro- Constraints on GCM Simulated Aerosol Indirect Effect Gordon Research Conference Waterville, ME
07/14/2011 Zhang, R. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) Adjustment to an Abrupt Change in the Nordic Sea Overflow in a High Resolution Global Coupled Climate Model RAPID-USAMOC International Science Meeting 2011 Bristol, UK
07/23/2011 Knutson Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change National Climate Assessment Workshop on Extreme Storm Statistics Asheville, NC
08/10/2011 Bender Boundary Layer Parameterization in Hurricanes HFIP Boundary Layer/Microphysics Workshop Clinton, MD
08/14/2011 Ming Anthropogenic Aerosols of the Weakening of the South Asian Monsoon Goldschmidt 2011 Meeting Prague, Czech Rep
08/15/2011 Toggweiler Impacts of Rivers and the Hydrological Cycle on the Carbon Chemistry of the Atlantic Ocean Gordon Research Conference Andover, NH
08/25/2011 Ramaswamy Complexity and Resolution of Climate Models for Climate Predictions and Projections CRSV3 Planning Meeting College Park, MD
08/25/011 Rosati Hi-Resolution Model Development at GFDL NCEP/CFSV3 Planning Meeting College Park, MD
09/04/2011 Stock On the Use of IPCC-Class Climate Models to Assess the Impact of Climate on Living Marine Resources American Fisheries Society Seattle, WA
09/08/2011 Held Climate dynamics and the effects of solar variability on climate: an overview National Research Council /Space studies board workshop /meeting: the effects of Solar Variability of Climate Boulder, CO
09/12/2011 Ginoux Global Dust Sources from MODIS DB dust optical depth Invited Seminar @BISA Brussels, from BVOC @ BISA, CNES, Paris Brussels, Belgium, Paris, France
09/13/2011 Toggweiler Oceanography from Corals and Shells College of Earth, Ocean, Environment, Univ of Delaware Newark, DE
09/14/2011 Rosati 1)Challenges in Predicting AMOC Variability in the Next Decade 2) Comparison of Ocean Reanalysis between GFDL and NCAR AMOC project fall meeting Boulder, CO
09/15/2011 Delworth Decadal to multicentennial variability of Northern hemisphere climate in a 4000 year simulation of the GFD2 CM2.1 Climate model GFDL/NCAR/MIT funded team on AMOC Boulder, CO
09/15/2011 Ming Anthropogenic aerosol impacts on precipitation Lecture at the Summer of Institute of Univ Of Washington Program on Climate Change Seattle, WA
09/17/2011 Stock Modeling the Global Scale transfer of energy between phytoplankton and mesozooplankton ICES Annual Science Conference GdaƄsk, Poland
09/19/2011 Dunne Historical and 21st Century projection of ocean acidification, its impacts on aragonite and calcic and aragonite cycling and subsequent feedbacks in an ESM NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center La Jolla, CA
09/20/2011 Lin High Resolution global models for simulation & prediction of extreme events and their applications to regional climate NOAA Climate Variability & Change Workshop Boulder, CO
09/21/2011 Zhang, R. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Climate University of Delaware Newark, DE