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Frequently Asked Questions - ID Maintenance

Q1: I am an application coordinator and I cannot find where to add additional users. Where do I go to add additional users?
A1: A coordinator does not have the ability to add user IDs. Eash person who needs access to the FHA Connection would apply for their own FHA Connection user ID.

For a person to apply for a standard user or application coordinator user ID, they would complete the corresponding registration form. The registration forms are publicly available on the "Registering a New User" page. A link to that page can be found on the main page of the FHA Connection web site. The links to the registration forms that employees of an FHA-approved lender would complete are found in the section labeled for "FHA-approved lenders". Most, if not all, employees should apply for standard user IDs, thus click on the "Standard User Registration" link and complete that form. However, an FHA-approved lending institution may have from one to four active coordinators. To apply to be a coordinator, the person should click on the "Application Coordinator Registration" link and complete that form.

Q2: If an application coordinator cannot add users, what are the responsibilities of an application coordinator?
A2: The tasks that a coordinator can perform for the administration of user IDs are to retrieve, change user ID type, update authorizations, reset passwords, terminate, and reinstate existing FHA Connection user IDs.
Q3: I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?
A3: Only FHA Connection Application Coordinators can retreive FHA Connection user IDs. If you are one, please follow the steps below to retrieve the person's FHA Connection user ID:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top the page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Query for the FHA Connection User ID by one of the following search criteria:
    • By Last/First name
    • By ID Status
    • By Assigned After the Date
If this is a new FHA Connection User ID, you will also have to set the authorizations on the FHA Connection User ID for the functions the person will need access to. If you need directions on how to update authorizations, please refer to the question/answer "I need to update the authorizations on an FHA Connection User ID. How do I make the updates?".
Q4: I have a user that was accidentally setup under the wrong user type (an application coordinator instead of a standard user or vice versa). How can I switch their user type?
A4: A change to the type of FHA Connection User ID assigned to a person must be performed by an FHA Connection Application Coordinator. If you are one, please follow the steps below to change the user ID type on a person's FHA Connection User ID:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the person's FHA Connection User ID in the By User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Select the correct type of user ID, "Coordinator" or "Standard", which you will see selections for near the top of the page.
  6. Select "Change" in the Indicate Action field.
  7. Click SEND when done to submit the changes.
If the FHA Connection User ID is not known, then please refer to the question/answer "I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?" for information on how you would pull up the user ID assigned to the user by their name or other information.
Q5: I need to update the authorizations on an FHA Connection User ID. How do I make the updates?
A5: Updating authorizations on FHA Connection User IDs must be performed by an FHA Connection Application Coordinator. If you are one, please follow the steps below to make the updates to the person's FHA Connection User ID:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the person's FHA Connection User ID in the By User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Select "Change" in the Indicate Action field.
  6. Make the changes to the authorizations and click SEND when done to submit the changes.
If the FHA Connection User ID is not known, then please refer to the question/answer "I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?" for information on how you would pull up the user ID assigned to the user by their name or other information.
Q6: We have an employee whose name has changed/was entered incorrectly on the registration form. How can the name on their FHA Connection user ID be revised?
A6: Coordinators no longer can revise the name associated with a user ID. The employee who needs the name corrected on their user ID must contact the Home Ownership Center or e-mail to request a name change on their FHA Connection user ID.
Q7: How do I revise the e-mail address on an FHA Connection User ID?
A7: The steps to revise the e-mail address on an FHA Connection User ID are just like updating the authorizations on the ID. However, instead of adding or removing authorizations, you will revise the e-mail address in the E-mail Address field. Directions how to update authorizations are given in the question "I need to update the authorizations on an FHA Connection User ID. How do I make the updates?"
Q8: I have a user that cannot remember their password. How do I reset it for them?
A8: An application coordinator may change the password on the behalf of an employee of the company, but the employee can reset the password themselves by clicking the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the main page of the FHA Connection. If you as a coordinator still would like to reset the password on their behalf, please follow the steps given below:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the person's FHA Connection User ID for the FHA Connection User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Scroll down until you see the "Reset Password" link and click it.
If the FHA Connection User ID is not known, then please refer to the question/answer "I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?" for information on how you would pull up the user ID assigned to the user by their name or other information.
Q9: I have a user that cannot sign on that I am trying to reset the password on. The "Reset Password" link is not appearing on the page. How do I reset their password?
A9: If the "Reset Password" link is not appearing when you pull up the FHA Connection User ID in the FHA Connection ID Administration function, then the password is not the issue. The link does not appear if the user ID is terminated. You can confirm the user ID is terminated by checking the Status field near the top of the page. For the user to be able to access the FHA Connection again, you will need to reinstate their user ID. If you do not know how to reinstate the user ID, please refer to the question/answer "We have an employee who has a terminated FHA Connection User ID. We attempted to apply for a new FHA Connection User ID for them, but received an email that stated the FHA Connection user ID request was rejected because 'Reinstate not allowed by this process'. How do we reinstate their user ID?" for information on how to reinstate an FHA Connection User ID.
Q10: How do I terminate an FHA Connection User ID that is no longer needed?
A10: Termination of FHA Connection User IDs must be performed by an FHA Connection Application Coordinators. If you are one, please follow the steps below to terminate the person's FHA Connection User ID:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the person's FHA Connection User ID for the FHA Connection User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Select "Terminate" in the Indicate Action field.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page to click SEND to submit the transaction.
If the FHA Connection User ID is not known, then please refer to the question/answer "I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?" for information on how you would pull up the user ID assigned to the user by their name or other information.
Q11: When and why should I terminate an FHA Connection User ID?
A11: You should terminate an FHA Connection User ID when the user ID is no longer needed by the person that the ID is assigned to. Reasons why they will no longer need an FHA Connection User ID is that they have terminated their employment with your company or they moved to another position where they no longer need access to the FHA Connection.

The reason for terminating the user IDs is for security. By terminating the user IDs, you are preventing people who should not be authorized to access your company's cases from being able to do so.
Q12: We have an employee who has a terminated FHA Connection User ID. We attempted to apply for a new FHA Connection User ID for them, but received an email that stated the FHA Connection user ID request was rejected because "Reinstate not allowed by this process". How do we reinstate their user ID?
A12: Reinstatement of FHA Connection User IDs must be performed by an FHA Connection Application Coordinators. If you are one, please follow the steps below to reinstate the person's FHA Connection User ID:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the FHA Connection User ID for the FHA Connection User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Select "Reinstate" in the Indicate Action field.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page to click SEND to submit the transaction.
If the FHA Connection User ID is not known, then please refer to the question/answer "I need to retrieve an FHA Connection Standard User ID for an employee. How do I retrieve the ID?" for information on how you would pull up the user ID assigned to the user by their name or other information.

Also some older FHA Connection User IDs may not have the person's telephone number Listed on it. The "Telephone Number" field is now a required field. Please make sure there is an entry for that field or you will receive an error stating "TELEPHONE NUMBER MUST BE ENTERED".
Q13: I attempted to reinstate a user ID and received an error saying, "SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PREVIOUSLY ENTERED". How do I reinstate the user ID?
A13: This error indicates there is an active user ID with the person social security number. The person who the user ID is assigned to will need to contact the Home Ownership Center or e-mail to request that the termination of active FHA Connection user ID.
Q14: We have a user whose FHA Connection User ID is terminated that I as the coordinator did not terminate. How did this user ID get terminated?
A14: The most likely reason a user ID is terminated that the coordinator did not submit The termination request is that the ID was terminated automatically by the system. Starting April 10, 2006 HUD started to terminate user IDs where the user ID has not been used for six months or more. To prevent this from occurring in the future, a user should access the FHA Connection at least once every couple of months and reset their password at minimum. For user IDs that were terminated where the user needs to access the FHA Connection, please reinstate the user ID for them. If you do not know how to reinstate the user ID, please refer to the question/answer "We have an employee who has a terminated FHA Connection User ID. We attempted to apply for a new FHA Connection User ID for them, but received an email that stated the FHA Connection user ID request was rejected because 'Reinstate not allowed by this process'. How do we reinstate their user ID?" for information on how to reinstate an FHA Connection User ID.
Q15: I need to authorize our CPA's Independent user ID with our company. How would I do that?
A15: Authorizing a CPA's Independent user ID with your company is very similar to setting an authorization on an FHA Connection user ID and must be performed by an FHA Connection Application Coordinator. If you are one, please follow the steps below to authorize the CPA's Independent user ID with your company:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the CPA's Independent user ID for the FHA Connection User ID field and click SEND.
  5. Make the selection on the user ID for the Lender Assessment Subsystem Applications and click SEND.
If their Independent user ID is not known, please do follow these steps to pull it up:
  1. Sign on to the FHA Connection.
  2. Click the "ID Maintenance" link at the top of the "FHA Connection" page.
  3. Click the "FHA Connection ID Administration" link from the "ID Maintenance" page.
  4. Enter the CPA's name in for the By Last Name and First Name fields, select "All Independent IDs" for the By ID Status field, and click SEND.
  5. Make the selection on the user ID for the Lender Assessment Subsystem Applications and click SEND.