NTIAGeverifieerd account


The Official Twitter Page of the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Washington, DC
Geregistreerd in december 2009

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  1. 26 aug.

    Tune in at 1 pm ET today for the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee meeting. More info here:

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  2. 24 aug.

    NEC’s Zients says White House will build on Broadband Opportunity Council’s work. More to come on 9-21:

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  3. 18 aug.

    NTIA has announced that we plan to extend our IANA contract with ICANN for one year:

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  4. 17 aug.

    NTIA’s ITS research lab launches technical fellow program to share and sustain technical expertise

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  5. 11 aug.

    NTIA formally urges stakeholders to submit comment to working groups on their IANA transition proposals:

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  6. 6 aug.

    NTIA looking forward to 9/28 workshop in Portland, ME to discuss ways to expand broadband capacity, utilization:

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  7. 4 aug.

    NTIA Administrator Strickling urges Net's stakeholders to comment to working groups on their IANA-related proposals:

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  8. 3 aug.

    NTIA’s Simpson: We hope UAS meeting is 1st step in developing best practices to protect privacy & promote transparent, accountable UAS use.

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  9. 3 aug.

    Tune in today for 1st multistakeholder meeting to develop best practices related to unmanned aircraft systems:

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  10. heeft geretweet

    ICYMI: Innovative Research Helps Emergency Responders Better Communicate While Indoors

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  11. 30 jul.

    New blog post details federal spectrum use and NTIA’s efforts to make spectrum available for wireless broadband:

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    Proud of the work are undertaking on . Here's my interview w/ :

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  13. 28 jul.

    Tune in for the latest facial recognition multistakeholder meeting today from 1-5 pm ET:

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  14. heeft geretweet

    ICYMI: almost halfway to spectrum target

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  15. 21 jul.

    Check out how NTIA’s broadband work complements the White House’s ConnectHome initiative:

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  16. 16 jul.

    Assistant Secretary Strickling’s remarks at today’s IGF USA forum:

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  17. heeft geretweet
    16 jul.

    chair Steve Crocker and Vint Cerf talk past, present and future of at in Washington,

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  18. heeft geretweet

    "Today, we’re taking another step to finally close the digital divide in America" —

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  19. 16 jul.

    Strickling: "These (multistakeholder) processes yield the best results when everybody is there."

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