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USACE Castle
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SMART planning is:
     S: Specific
    M: Measurable
    A: Attainable
    R: Risk Informed
    T: Timely

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What's New on the SMART Guide
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Feasibility Study Kickoff

Last updated: 30 June 2012

    The Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement has been signed and the new feasibility study is beginning. A SMART Feasibility Study will rely on an integrated study team that includes:
    • The Project Delivery Team (PDT), responsible for the development of the feasibility study;
    • The Vertical Team, with representatives from the District, Division, and Headquarters;
    • The Review Team, including technical, policy, and legal reviewers, which provide an independent look at the study decisions and products, following the Review Plan.

    What Does a SMART Feasibility Study Look Like

    The PDT is encouraged to holding a public scoping meeting consistent with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines early in the process, as this will provide valuable information for the PDT. If and when the PDT determines an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, it will publish a Notice of Intent (NOI).

    Very early in the feasibility study process, (e.g., target within the first three months), the PDT should be able to define the array of alternatives based on the six-step planning process with readily available and targeted data. The PDT will target obtaining the Vertical Team (VT) concurrence on the focused array of alternatives and the path forward at the Alternatives Milestone meeting within this timeframe. One tool for achieving this milestone is a Planning Charette.

    The SMART guide principles and tools described for these initial efforts for this phase of the feasibility study could also be used as a guide for the preparation of new start reconnaissance studies. If these SMART Planning tips and tools were used during the reconnaissance study, the PDT and Vertical Team may reach the Alternatives Milestone just weeks after the FCSA is signed.
