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Model Transition Team

Fridays at 1pm in room 2890

GoToMeeting: click here
Meeting ID: 581-360-293
Telecon: 866-685-5896 / 8108134#


Click to email announce list
Click to email discussion list


Suru Saha (Transition Team Lead)
Mark Iredell (NEMS-Team Lead)
Kate Howard (User Support)
Nicole McKee (User Support)
George Vandenberghe (Libraries)
Shrinivas Moorthi (GFS/CFS)
Jongil Han (CFS)
Ruiyu Sun (CFS)
Xingren Wu (CFS/Sea-Ice)
Henry Juang (GFS/RSM)
Daryl Kleist (GSI)
Mike Lueken (GSI)
George Gayno (GSI)
Russ Treadon (GSI)
Paul van Delst (CRTM)
Dick Wobus (GEFS)
Weiyu Yang (NEMS/GEFS)
Eugene Mirvis (NEMS)
Jun Wang (NEMS)
Mike Young (NEMS)
Ratko Vasic (NMMB)
Dusan Jovic (NMMB/SREF)
Eric Rogers (NAM)
Samuel Trahan (HWRF)
Jack Woollen (PREP)
Jeff Whiting (PREP)
Bob Kistler (PREP)
Hui-ya Chuang (POST)
Fanglin Yang (VSDB)
Perry Shafran (VERIFICATION)
Ilya Rivin (HYCOM)
David Behringer (MOM4)
Henrique Alves (WAVEWATCH)
Hendrik Tolman (WAVEWATCH)
Edward Colon (NEMS/NMMB Launcher)

12/3/12 View GPU presentations from ECMWF HPC Workshop on the new MTT Docs page.
11/29/12 View the DMZ Gateway System presentation here (pdf).
10/31/12 Paul's subversion tutorial series presentations can be viewed here in pdf or pps formats.
10/23/12 For up-to-date information regarding NCEP libraries and their porting status, click here. Information regarding w3lib usage can be viewed in this chart.
6/5/12 Nceplibs has a wiki page! To view, log in with your subversion account info.
4/20/12 WCOSS tab added! First set of information on WCOSS (Current) available here.
4/16/12 Zeus Advanced Group B Training - all day April 17th in room 209. Click here for agenda.
3/26/12 Zeus performance demo this Wednesday at 9am in room 209. Visit Zeus tab for more meeting information.
3/16/12 Zeus user training for next week has been postponed.
3/7/12 For details on requesting unattended data transfers to Zeus see a Word document posted on the Zeus tab.
2/16/12 Zeus user training presentations have been posted under the Zeus tab.
2/10/12 Zeus user training class @ NCEP February 16 in WWB room 707, 8 AM-3 PM. Click here for Go-To-Meeting information.
1/13/12 Two new listservs have been setup for the MTT. See more information on the help tab above.
11/3/11This week's MTT meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will be Thursday November 10th from 11:00am to noon in Room 209
10/25/11Check out the new tab above for weekly meeting minutes and "HOMEWORK"
10/7/11GAEA training announced for the first week in November - GFDL folks will be at the WWB to help us with problems
10/5/11Check out the new tabs above for GAEA and ZEUS documents


1/25/13 Managing disk quota - Raghu Reddy
9/21/12 Controlling Process/Thread Placement on Zeus - Raghu Reddy
9/7/12 IBM/Zeus/Eddy comparisons - Ratko Vasic
6/15/12 Discussion topics - Sam Trahan
5/18/12 Quick intro to Tau! - Raghu Reddy, George Carr
Restricted Data Protection through Access Control Lists - Sam Trahan
4/27/12 Nceplibs Survey Results - Eugene Mirvis, Mark Iredell, Paul van Delst
3/23/12 MAP Training - Understanding your Code's Performance Issues
3/16/12 nceplibs survey live form
nceplibs survey spreadsheet
3/2/12 How to make serial fortran code into MPMD/MPI - Jack Woollen
2/17/12 SVN-repository "nceplibs" structural design (updated) - M. Iredell, E. Mirvis, P. Van Deist
1/20/12 GAEA + ZEUS Progress - George VandenBerghe
Time for 4d interpolation of t574 background to prepbufr data - Jack Woollen
1/13/12 Thread Results - George VandenBerghe
12/22/11 GAEA + ZEUS Progress - George VandenBerghe
12/2/11 GAEA + ZEUS Progress - George VandenBerghe
Functional Equivalence test for MOM4p0 on GAEA - Dave Behringer
NCEP Gaea module - $NETCDF
• Use a forum? EMC Forum - Kate Howard
11/18/11 Gaea + Zeus Progress Update - George VandenBerghe
NOAA R&D HPC Allocation Requests - Suru Saha
10/28/11 Gaea Plans
10/21/11 Restricted data and prep codes - Woollen
GODAS / MOM4p0 5-day average Dynamic Height - Behringer
10/14/11 GAEA Transfers - Vandenberge (view in ppt or word)
RMS comparison between perturbed initial fields and different compiler - Jovic/Vasic
10/7/11 Affect of different field perturbations on RMS - Vasic
GAEA Cheatsheet - Vandenberghe
9/30/11 GAEA Port Progress - Vandenberghe
Update on functional equivalence - Iredell
Porting CFSRL Offsite - Kistler
Individual Plans for Porting Codes
9/23/11 Progress on GAEA - Moorthi
9/16/11 GAEA Utilization at NCEP
EMC Model Transition Team Ground Rules (DRAFT)
EMC Model Transition Team - Functional Equivalance