Most Recent Documents and Reference Materials
The articles linked to on this page are republished with permission of their respective publishers or authors.
Cyber Ricochet: Risk Management and Cyberspace Operations
by Benjamin Leitzel, CSL Issue Paper, July 2012
DOD Cloud Computing Strategy
July 2012
Offensive Cyber for the Joint Force Commander: It's Not That Different
Shadow Boxing: Cyber Warfare and Strategic Economic Attack
BY SOREN OLSON, JFQ Issue 66, 3rd Quarter 2012
Deterrence and Escalation in Cross-domain Operations: Where Do Space and Cyberspace Fit?
by Vincent Manzo, JFQ Issue 66, 3rd Quarter 2012
Information Operations
Musings on the Information Element of Power in an Era of Economic Challenge
Dennis Murphy, 24 July 2012
ARSTRAT IO Newsletter, Vol 12, No 7
May 2012
Female Engagement Teams - The Need to Standardize Training and Employment
by Lieutenant Colonel Janet R. Holliday, U.S. Army, MILITARY REVIEW, March-April 2012
Strategies for Developing and Practicing Cross-Cultural Expertise in the Military
by Louise J. Rasmussen, Ph.D., and Winston R. Sieck, Ph.D.,MILITARY REVIEW, March-April 2012
IOSPHERE - Dec 2011 - The Professional Journal of Joint Information Operations
A publication of the Joint Information Operations Warfare Center
Strategic Communications
NATO - ACO Strategic Communications
ACO DIRECTIVE 95-2 (12 Apr 2012): Provides guidance on the planning and conduct of Strategic Communications within ACO.
DOD Strategic Communication: Integrating Foreign Audience Perceptions into Policy Making, Plans, and Operations
GAO Report, May 2012
ISAF Strategic Communication Presentation
March 2012
Update to Congress on National Framework for Strategic Communication
This report updates the 2010 report issued in March 2011 and includes an overview of how the U.S. Government is organized for strategic communication. The report is required under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2009.
Army Social Media Handbook, Ver #2, Aug 2011
This edition includes updates to Army social media policy and new examples of Army leaders using social media effectively. It provides instructions on how to respond to social media imposters and fake sites. It also includes an expanded operations security section and an extensive social media glossary.
Other Information
Information as Power Volume 6
U.S. Army War College (AY 2011)
IO Competitive Model
Power Point Slide - Competitive Model: IO Support Concept to Withdrawal - Used in conjuction with a blog article by Mr. Norman Emery.
Information as Power Volume 5
U.S. Army War College (AY 2010)
Information as Power Volume 4
U.S. Army War College (AY 2009)
Information as Power Volume 1
U.S. Army War College (AY 2006)

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