United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Syracuse VA Medical Center

For Your Safety

Safe Keeping of Valuables
For safekeeping, you are advised to keep all valuables at home. The Medical Center is not responsible for money or other valuables that you bring in your room. We ask that you keep no more than $10.00 cash on hand. Any additional money should be deposited with the Agent Cashier. Coupon booklets may be purchased through the retail store office.

Agent Cashier
The Agent Cashier will help veterans with travel vouchers and co-payments.

The Agent Cashier's office is located on the first floor, room C106. It is open 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prohibited Items
Patients may not have alcoholic beverages, narcotics, firearms, ammunition, knives, other weapons, lighter fluid, non-safety matches, straight-edged razors, or any medications from home. Firearms, radios, TVs, and personal computers are not permitted in the Medical Center.

Smoking Policy
The hospital is a smoke-free facility. Patients, visitors, and volunteers may not smoke anywhere on the property with the exception of the smoking patio, located on the ground floor, across from room NG47. Please be considerate of non-smokers.

Due to certain unit policies, patients may be restricted from having off unit passes and may not be able to access the smoking patio. Ask a member of your health care team for more information. Fire Incident
The Medical Center is designed and staff are trained to protect patients, visitors and staff in the event of a fire. If you discover a fire or smell smoke, please tell the staff right away. If you are on a unit that needs to be evacuated, follow the instructions from the staff. Lighted "EXIT" signs direct you as to how to exit the area safely. Fire alarm pull stations are near each stairwell and can be pulled to activate the fire alarm system.

Fall Prevention (LEEAF)
Lending your Eyes and Ears Against Falls (LEEAF) is the Syracuse Fall Prevention Program. You can help us prevent falls by:
  • Keeping your bed in a low position
  • Locking the brakes on your wheelchair
  • Keeping your room free from clutter
  • Making sure your personal items and call bell are within your reach
  • Wearing your shoes or hospital issued slippers
  • Turning on a light prior to getting out of bed
  • Using the call bell if your roommate needs assistance
  • Using your call bell if you need assistance
We care about your safety. Reporting of Injuries
The Medical Center makes every effort to maintain a safe environment. Despite these efforts should you become injured while in the medical center (e.g. slip, trip, fall, scratched, etc.) we ask that you report it as soon as possible to your Provider, Emergency Department or VA Police. We want to ensure that your condition is evaluated and appropriate action is taken to eliminate any possible hazard.

Zero Tolerance for Violence
To maintain a safe environment for patients, staff and visitors we need your help. The Network Medical Centers have a "zero tolerance" for violence. Behavior that is disruptive, threatening or violent will not be tolerated and should be reported to staff or VA Police immediately. Once identified, corrective action will be implemented as necessary to insure the safety of all parties.

The Medical Center strives for a restraint-free environment. Occasionally, restraints are necessary. The least restrictive method will be used to ensure that the patient's needs, dignity and rights are maintained. If you have further questions, contact your health care team.

Security Cameras
For your safety, and the safety of visitors and staff, the Syracuse VA Police constantly monitor the Medical Center, parking garage, and parking lots. In addition, the VA Police use closed-circuit television cameras for security purposes. Medical Center entrances are closed after regular business hours. Patients entering the Medical Center and visitors exiting the hospital should use the first floor Veterans Service Center entrance after business hours.

Cameras, Video Equipment, Tape Recorders and Cellular Phones
For reasons of patient privacy, cameras, video equipment, and tape recorders are generally not allowed in the Medical Center. If your family or friends wish to bring in a camera, video camera, or tape recorder, they must make arrangements with the Nurse Manager. Cellular phones should only be used in designated areas.

VA Police
VA Police are on duty 24 hours a day for your care and protection. Do not hesitate to contact the VA Police if the need arises or if you, a family member, or friend needs to be escorted to a car.