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Overseas Voting

Most Americans who reside abroad are eligible to vote in U.S. Elections. Eligibility depends upon the laws and regulations of your State of residence in the U.S.

To vote absentee, U.S. citizens living outside the United States must be registered to vote, and must request an absentee ballot.  You can accomplish both tasks by completing a Federally-issued combination voter registration application and absentee ballot request form known as the Federal Post Card Application, or FPCA.  This form, along with key State-by-State instructions, is available on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website at, or from the voting officer at the U.S. Embassy in Asuncion. 

Be sure to follow your State’s instructions carefully when completing the form and sending it to local election officials in the United States.  The FVAP website and the Overseas Vote Foundation website,, have wizards that help you complete and address your FPCA.  If you are unsure where you lived in the United States, or where to send your application, the Embassy’s voting officer can help you.  Write to for assistance.

The Voting Assistance Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Asuncion is available to answer questions about absentee voting. To contact the Voting Assistance Officer, call 021-213-715 during inquiry hours Mondays through Thursdays between 8:00 am and noon and on Fridays between 8:00 am and 11:00 am. You may also visit the Embassy’s website at or send an e-mail to


Voting Notices and Press Releases