HCV Database
HCV sequence database

Index of HCV database tools organized by function

(For more information, mouse over the links)


o Site search search our web site using the search box (top right of the page, below the virus)

o Sequence search search for sequences by selecting from numerous criteria

o Advanced search create your own search interface, access to all database info

o Geography search retrieves HCV sequences based on geographical distribution

o CTL epitopes search for CTL epitopes by protein, immunogen, HLA, author, keywords

o T helper epitopes search for T helper epitopes by protein, immunogen, HLA, author, keywords

o Antibodies search for HCV antibodies by protein, immunogen, AB type, isotype, author, keywords

Alignment and sequence manipulation

o Translate nucleotide sequences to 1-letter amino acids

o Gapstreeze Remove columns with more than a given % of gaps

o Consensus compute a customizable consensus

o Gene Cutter clip genes from a nucleotide alignment, codon-align and translate

o HCValign aligns your sequence(s) using either the multiple alignment program MAFFT, or using the appropriate hidden Markov model.

o SynchAligns align overlapping alignments to one another

o Primalign align a nucleotide sequence (e.g., primer) to the complete genome alignment

o Epilign align a protein sequence (e.g., epitope) to the appropriate protein alignment

o Pixel This tool generates a PNG image of an alignment using 1 or more colored pixel(s) for each residue.

o PepMap This tool can be used to map epitopes, functional domains, or any protein region of interest.

Background information

o Genotypes Old and new HCV genotypes in the database

o Geography geographic distribution of HCV database sequences

o Alignments Curated sequence and reference alignments for all genes

Sequence analysis

o Sequence locator find the standard numbering of your nucleotide or protein sequence in H77

o HCV BLAST find sequences similar to yours in the HCV database

o VESPA detect signatures: residues with different frequencies in two sequence sets

o PCOORD multidimensional analysis of sequence variation

o N-Glycosite find potential N-linked glycosylation sites in a protein alignment

o SNAP calculate synonymous/non-synonymous substitution rates

o Highlighter matches, mismatches, transition and transversion mutations, and silent and non-silent mutations in an aligned set of nucleotide sequences.


o TreeMaker generate a quick-and-dirty phylogenetic tree

o Search interface tree builder create a tree from sequences returned from database search

o FindModel find which evolutionary model best fits your sequences

o Branchlength calculates branch lengths between internal and end nodes based on a Newick treefile


o Format Converter converts between 18 standard sequence formats

o SeqPublish to make publication-ready alignments

o Protein Feature Accent provides an interactive 3-D graphic of selected HCV proteins; the user can map a sequence feature and see where it occurs spatially.


o PeptGen generate overlapping peptides from a protein sequence

Questions or comments? Contact us at hcv-info@lanl.gov