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2009 PRT News

U.S. Provides Assistance to Flood Victims

Erbil | November 9, 2009
City Inspector Describes Flood Damage

City Inspector Describes Flood Damage

MERGASOOR -- U.S. officials today toured the site of recent floods in northern Erbil Governorate, and met local authorities and two families returning to their homes after being force to evacuate along with scores of others.  Last Thursday, the U.S. delivered IQD 27, 612,000 (USD $24,000) worth of blankets, kerosene heaters, and carpets requested by Mergasoor Mayor Khoshawy Khalil Hakim.  Pledging American support for local efforts in response to emergency and humanitarian needs, U.S. Embassy Regional Reconstruction Team Leader Andrew Snow praised the response of the local authorities and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

In remarks at the mayor’s office, Snow said, “The U.S. is pleased that we were able to provide assistance in support of the efforts of local authorities to respond to the humanitarian situation.  I’m impressed by Mayor Khoshawy’s and Governor Hadi’s effective response to the needs of local citizens, and hope that those affected by the recent flooding will soon be able to return to their normal lives.”

Snow and his delegation met with two families from Goratu township who had been forced to evacuate their homes in advance of the floodwaters.  Scores of families in Goratu, nearby Piran township where two persons died, and other areas of Iraq’s Kurdistan region have been affected.  Snow also visited the water project in Bnebia where the authorities are working to repair flood damage to the pipe network supplying drinking water to area residents.

Since 2003, the United States has provided more than IQD 1,265,550,000,000 (USD $1.1 billion) worth in assistance to the three provinces of Iraq’s Kurdistan region.