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1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry 630th MP Company 172nd Support Battalion 18th Engineer Brigade 12th Chemical Company 9th Engineer Battalion 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery 15th Engineer Battalion 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion 7th Theatre Tactical Signal Brigade

The “Faces of Schweinfurt” series features portraits and stories of those living in the Schweinfurt community. This is our opportunity to shine the light on members of the community and allow them to tell their story. We highlight moms and dads, students and teachers, employees and volunteers, Soldiers and civilians, girlfriends and boyfriends … and everything in between. We hope this puts a face on the community you live in. To nominate someone for the FoS series, send us an email to

Allison Davis

Sgt. Caquan "Cue" Palmer of the 9th Engineer Battalion, left, documents Hurricane Sandy damage in a New York structure. He served as a team leader in an emergency response organization to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy—this, during a time of personal anguish and crisis. More...

Allison Davis

Capt. Sarah Smith assumed the role of USAG Schweinfurt’s Provost Marshal Jan. 4 when she took the reins from former Provost Marshal,  Capt. Liz Mooney. The new USAG Schweinfurt Provost Marshal sat down and talked candidly about herself and her new role. More...

Allison Davis

Jenni Lowell is a teacher, mother and Army spouse. She's married to the Army, and her husband is deployed to Afghanistan. Like many military spouses, Jenni turns the chaos of single parenthood into order while her spouse is deployed. She was willing to sit and share her experience. More...

Allison Davis

Christina Carmona is the ACS Information and Referral Program Manager, a program that provides commanders, Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians and their family members with information and referrals regarding military and civilian community resources. More...

Allison Davis

Spc. Christopher Lewis isa USAG Schweinfurt MP with the garrison’s Headquarters and Headquarters Company, is the president of the European Rodeo Cowboy Association, an organization of American and European cowboys and cowgirls sponsored by Dodge Ram and the Stetson Clothing Company. More...

Allison Davis

Dillon Welliver is Schweinfurt High School’s first permanent Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service counselor. Welliver sat down to discuss the real deal on drug use, alcohol abuse and how he can help both students and parents. More...

Allison Davis

Allison Davis is not only a mother of three, but tenderly cares for us all. The Installation Victim Advocate (VA) for USAG Schweinfurt, sits down to discuss her role, how you can avoid sexual assault, and confronts fears many victims have. Check out what she has to say about this important issue. More...

Sgt. Nicole Bynum

Sgt. Nicole Bynum, the dental clinic’s readiness noncommissioned officer in charge, sat down to explain her job, issues at the clinic, her weaknesses and more. Bynum is not only the readiness noncommissioned officer in charge and dental clinic assistant retention NCO, but also a dedicated volunteer, spouse of a Soldier and mother to a son. More...

Staff Sgt. Allan Smith

Staff Sgt. Allan Smith of the 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion helped the All Army Bowling Team take home Gold at this year’s Armed Forces Bowling Championship. Smith’s tournament average of 218 earned him a 5th place spot out of all tournament participants. Check out what he has to say about his bowling experiences. More...

Gert Saar

Gert Saar, a Schweinfurt native and U.S. Army employee, has been selected by Installation Management Command as the fiscal year 2011 Directorate of Public Works, Business Management Executive of the Year. Saar was the only local nation to have received one of the eight prestigious IMCOM DPW awards this year. More...

Capt. Christopher Munar

Capt. Christopher Munar is the 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery Regiment Rear Detachment Commander. With more than 200 Soldiers and their families and the families of deployed Soldiers in his care, he has a hectic and demanding job. On a typical week, his day starts at 6 a.m. and does not end till 8 p.m. More...

Jasmine Morales

Jasmine Morales’ resume boasts volunteer experience with the Armed Forces Network, the Fort Hood Care Team, and with the Schweinfurt Public Affairs Office. Yet, this is only a fraction of the volunteer work she has taken on for the military community over the past nine years. More...

Wilma Holt

Wilma Holt, On March 24th the faculty and staff of Schweinfurt Elementary Middle School gathered with guests from the Bavaria’s district office to celebrate the career of Wilma Holt. Ms. Holt is retiring after over 40 years working for the Department of Defense School System More...

Jessica Pinyan

Jessica Pinyan, a member of Schweinfurt High School’s first graduation class, will soon be leaving the community here to attend college orientations, sign up for classes and enjoying the latest events on a college campus. Pinyan has been awarded the President’s Volunteer Award and has enjoyed participating in the Student Council as her senior class and junior class treasurer. More...

David Mathews

David Mathews, is a decorated honor roll student. He’s the wrestling and soccer team captain. He’s the Bavarian Representative for the National Youth Senate Program, an Eagle Scout, not to mention a prominent student involved in the community. More...

Brittany Mathews

Brittany Mathews, a 10th grader at Schweinfurt High School faces the challenges of military life and overcomes them.While in Germany, Mathews has enjoyed opportunities to make jewelry, design art, play the piano, read, run and play soccer. Her educational achievements include being selected as a student of the semester, an honor role student and part of the National Junior Honor Society. More...

Alyssa Isom

Alyssa Isom, a 9th grader at Schweinfurt High School who is an excellent example of how military children are positively impacting the Schweinfurt community. Isom has been a member of the National Junior Honor Society for 3 years and was named Student of the Month for December 2010. In the seventh grade she was chosen as a representative for the Junior Leadership Seminar. More...

Maria Steel

Maria Steel, an Army spouse, volunteer and spinning and step aerobics instructor at the Kessler Fitness Center here. Steel, 44, instructs organized fitness training classes three times a week. She started teaching her spinning class in Schweinfurt more than a year ago. The classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 a.m. at Kessler Fitness Center. More...

Jeanna Ward, volunteer program manager for ACS, helps organize different training seminars and assists individuals who are interested in volunteering. Volunteering assists individuals in acquiring additional knowledge for certain fields, like public speaking or office administration, said Ward. As a volunteer in our community Ward was selected to represent Schweinfurt at the Army Family Action Plan conference in Washington D.C. Feb. 27-March 2. More...

Dr. Catherine Manos

Dr. Catherine Manos, would be recognized by many as the post’s longtime Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Coordinator. Last year, she stepped up as ASAP Program Manager. She is retiring next month after 39 years in federal service. When she works with units and Soldiers, Manos likes to entertain her audiences by recounting experiences that leave a lasting message. More...

Bethany Flores

Bethany Flores, a 20-year-old from Guam, is currently Schweinfurt’s youngest fitness instructor, stationed here as spouse of a Soldier. She teaches Zumba at both Kessler and Finney Fitness Center. Flores used to dance in genres such as jazz, hip-hop, modern dance and ballet for eight years and with a background like that, Zumba is right up her alley. More...

Julie Albers

Julie Albers, is truly one of the most outstanding volunteers I have ever met. With her endless caring and enthusiastic energy, she is always willing to help out where ever she can, supporting clerical staff, helping facilitate reading groups in the primary grades as well as assisting reading specialists with organizing the reading room collection and much more. More...

Jennifer Carden

Jennifer Carden, has been working with FMWR for over 7 years as an employee at the Finney Fitness Center. There she became interested in becoming a fitness instructor. Carden is certified to instruct yoga, spinning, Pilates and pre/post-natal exercise. In her younger years she was diagnosed with scoliosis and since practicing Yoga, she says she no longer suffers from this disease. More...

Klaus Graber

Klaus Graber, fitness instructors at Kessler gym, has been an active and energetic asset to several American military communities in Germany for the last 29 years. Graber is dedicated to an overall healthy lifestyle. He believes that the only way to get truly fit is to combine healthy eating habits in conjunction with physical strengthening and cardiovascular exercise. More...


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