Navigation in Maine

The Corps has completed 66 navigation projects in Maine. These projects have improved rivers, bays, coves, and harbors that are used by commercial interests, fishermen, and the many recreational boaters that benefit from the intricate and fascinating Maine coastline.

Initial work on many of the projects dates back to the early 19th century. However, much of the navigational work in today's waterways has been constructed by the Corps within the past 50 years, costing an aggregate $29.7 million.

The following pages describe the Corps' navigation projects in Maine. Depths given for channels and anchorages are those at Mean Low Water.


Navigation Projects in Maine

        Bagaduce River

        Bar Harbor

        Bass Harbor

        Bass Harbor Bar

        Beals Harbor

        Belfast Harbor

        Boothbay Harbor

        Bucks Harbor

        Bucksport Harbor

        Bunker Harbor

        Camden Harbor

        Cape Porpoise Harbor

        Carver's Harbor

        Cathance River

        Cobscook Bay

        Corea Harbor

        Criehaven Harbor

        Damariscotta River

        Deer Island Thoroughfare

        East Boothbay Harbor

        Frenchboro Harbor

        Harraseeket River

        Hendricks Harbor

        Isle au Haut Thoroughfare

        Isles of Shoals Harbor

        Jonesport Harbor

        Josias River at Perkins Cove

        Kennebec River

        Kennebunk River

        Lubec Channel

        Machias River

        Matinicus Harbor

        Medomak River

        Moosabec Bar

        Narraguagus River

        New Harbor

        Northeast Harbor

        Owls Head Harbor

        Penobscot River

        Pepperell Cove

        Pig Island Gut

        Pleasant River

        Portland Harbor

        Portsmouth Harbor and Piscataqua River

        Richmond Harbor

        Richmond Island Harbor

        Rockland Harbor

        Rockport Harbor

        Royal River

        Saco River

        Saint Croix River

        Saint George River

        Sasanoa River

        Scarborough River

        Searsport Harbor

        South Bristol Harbor

        Southwest Harbor

        Stockton Harbor

        Stonington Harbor

        Sullivan Falls Harbor

        Tenants Harbor

        Union River

        Wells Harbor

        Winter Harbor

        Wood Island Harbor and Biddeford Pool

        York Harbor

Updated: 16-Jul-2012