Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Tariff Tool

Developed and Maintained by the Office of Trade Policy Analysis, the FTA Tariff Tool combines complex tariff and trade data into a simple and easy-to-search public interface.  Using the Tool, users are able to see how U.S. and FTA partner tariffs on individual products—searchable tariff code—are treated under an agreement.  U.S. importers and exporters are able to see the current tariff and future tariffs applied to their products, as well as the date on which those products become duty free. The Tool also provides users with the product-specific rules of origin applicable to their products.

By combining sector and product groups, trade data, and the tariff elimination schedules, users can also analyze how various key sectors are treated under recently concluded FTAs.  The Tool allows users to easily identify the share of trade or the share of tariff lines that fall within the various tariff elimination baskets.  Users will also be able to compare how particular sectors are treated across various FTAs. 

The development of this project will be on-going, with plans underway to incorporate agricultural goods. Additionally, the trade data will be updated annually and future FTAs will be incorporated. 

The FTA Tariff Tool may be accessed at:

Last Updated: 10/31/12 5:08 PM