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Showing Results 1 - 5 of 136 1 2 3 4 5  ... 

  1. Resource Title National Minority SA/HIV Prevention Initiative - Adult Questionnaire Administration Guide

    Publication Year: 2012  Date Added: 04/20/2012 
    Content Type: PDF
    The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) strongly recommends that grantees designate program or evaluation staff to conduct data collection. Program staff should not be responsible for administering questionnaires to participants to whom they provide direct services. Grantees may designate survey administrators (proctors) if this occurs or if data collection staff cannot administer the questionnaires.
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  2. Resource Title A Case Study of Community Organizing in a Large Metropolitan Area: Changing Alcohol Policies at Community Festivals

    Publication Year: 2009  Date Added: 01/05/2012 
    Content Type: WEBSITE
    This case study provides in-depth information about the community organizing process, centered on changing alcohol policies at community festivals to prevent illegal alcohol sales. Information from this study can provide guidance to citizens and organizations attempting to address alcohol-related and other problems at community festivals and similar events.
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  3. Resource Title A Guide To Family Intervention and Prevention Program Evaluation

    Publication Year: 2000  Date Added: 01/05/2012 
    Content Type: WEBSITE
    This online guide outlines the basics of program evaluation. It originates from the Air Force, but is still very applicable. It is useful for understanding how to set up an evaluation and how to select an evaluator. The manual provides a step-by-step approach and outlines the process of creating a logic model, conducting process evaluations, doing a cost analysis and assessing program impact.
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  4. Resource Title A Paradigm Shift in Selecting Evidence-Based Approaches for Substance Abuse Prevention

    Publication Year: 2010  Date Added: 01/05/2012 
    Content Type: PDF
    This research brief will help you better understand the changes in NREPP. It clarifies the NREPP approach to selecting prevention interventions. Use it to learn how NREPP can impact the way communities select interventions.
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  5. Resource Title A Practical Guide to Preventing and Dispersing Underage Drinking Parties

    Publication Year: 2005  Date Added: 01/05/2012 
    Content Type: PDF
    This ''user-friendly'' guide provides numerous strategies and effective models for preventing and dispersing underage drinking parties such as legal frameworks, working with media, implementing policy, law enforcement strategies and social host laws.
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