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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Spring GIS in Transportation Newsletter

Newsletter now available online

The spring GIS in Transportation Newsletter is now available here.

The newsletter includes an article by Andrew McKinney, Chris Lambert, and Will Holmes, all of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), on KYTC's development of a mobile billboard application. Also included is an editorial by Fred Judson of the Ohio Department of Transportation (DOT) and Shawn Blaesing-Thompson of Iowa DOT. The editorial focuses on the DOTs' development of a GIS for Strategic Asset Management group.

KYTC Billboard Application
KYTC Billboard Application

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

GIS Practice of the Week

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's (PennDOT) VideoLog

PennDOT's VideoLog was initially developed as part of a maintenance and operations pavement survey. The program is now managed through the efforts of the Bureau of Maintenance and Operations, the Bureau of Planning and Research-GIS Division, and outside video vendors.

The online VideoLog displays interval photographs of road segments and allows a user to scroll through multiple photographs. VideoLog data is collected by a vehicle called a VideoLog Van or Video Van. Videologging provides information on all of the following: pavement roughness data, geometric information (e.g., horizontal and vertical curve data, grade, traffic signals, cross-slope, super elevation), rumble strip locations, and other feature types and locations. Comprehensive updates to data displayed in the VideoLog occur periodically. For more information on the VideoLog, please click here.

VideoLog screenshot
VideoLog screenshot

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