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The StreamStats Program

Ungaged Site Reports

The output from StreamStats for ungaged sites appears in a pop-up Web browser window. At the top is a banner identifying the output as a product of the USGS StreamStats program. The title, "Streamflow Statistics Report" is below the banner. Following the title is the processing date, the name of the state in which the ungaged site in located, and its latitude, longitude, and total drainage are provided for future reference. Below this information is a series of two or more tables.

Most states have been subdivided into hydrologic regions based on similarity of climate and physical characteristics, and separate regression equations have been developed for each region and each flow statistic. The ungaged site reports list only the basin characteristics that are used in the regression equations for the hydrologic region in which the site is located.

The reports will always include at least one table for peak-flow basin characteristics and one table for peak-flow statistics. If equations are available in the region for other types of streamflow statistics, additional tables will appear to show the basin characteristics needed to estimate the statistics and to show the statistics. In addition, if the drainage basin for the ungaged site is located in more than one region, basin characteristics and streamflow statistics will appear for each region along with tables that give area-averaged estimates of the streamflow statistics for the site.

Basin Characteristics Tables:

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Streamflow Statistics Tables:

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Area-Averaged Streamflow Statistics Tables:

StreamStats provides area-averaged estimates of streamflow statistics when the drainage basin for an ungaged site is in more than one region.

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