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1st Battalion, 1st Marines

1st Marine Division

Command Philisophy
I am humbled and honored to be your CO.

Our focus in all things is getting the job done during deployment and returning home with honor.

I want our battalion to be known for outstanding tactical ability, first and foremost.

Our goals are to have five outstanding companies that work well together supported by a staff that judges its success by the success of those companies.

My job is to lead, make decisions, provide guidance, and support you. My expectation of you is that you earn the title of "Marine" every day.

In this Battalion, everyone is entitled to an interesting, productive day. It is the responsibility of leaders to ensure that we do not waste people's time.

"Brilliance in the basics" means being physically and mentally tough, hitting what you are shooting at, being able to pick up and move on short notice with all of your people and gear, and always being able to communicate with the units around you. Likewise, a unit that is good at patrolling is good enough.

The profession we've chosen is hard on our family and friends. My job is to support you in taking care of them. I'll keep you informed, and you keep them informed. Let them know that there is always someone here in the battalion that can help.

Next September we go to war; there's no time to waste.

Semper Fidelis,

LtCol Michael J. Targos
Commanding Officer
1st Battalion, 1st Marines

CO Policy and Expectations

Discipline: Military discipline is the cornerstone of all policies that affect our Battalion. It is the regulation of the behaviors of members of the military, involving rules that govern goal orientation and behavior inside and outside the institution, including the socialization processes that happen in military training.

Safety: Safety and mission accomplishment are complementary. Anyone, regardless of rank, can stop training if they determine it is unsafe and immediately report the problem to their chain of command. Nothing is worth a training death. For further safety-related information, or to make a safety report, please contact 2ndLt Rodriguez, the Battalion Safety Officer, at 760-212-3233.

Hazing: Hazing is any action that exposes an individual to cruel, abusive, humiliating, or oppressive behavior. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, forms of initiation or congratulatory acts that involve physical or emotional harm. Everyone earned the title of "Marine" or "Sailor" upon completion of their entry level training; no other initiation or rite of passage is required. If you suspect or observe hazing, get the word to me immediately.

Suicide Awareness: Leaders must train their personnel to recognize the indicators of suicidal behavior and what steps to take to help those in need of assistance. Never hesitate to assist someone showing signs of depression. Never assume that a suicide-related comment is harmless. Watch out for your buddy, and let him watch out for you. A number of other resources are available to assist you, to include MCCS, Base Medical, a 24-Hour Civilian Suicide Hotline (1-800-SUICIDE), and a 24-Hour Marine Corps Suicide Hotline (1-800-273-TALK). For more information on suicide prevention, contact the Battalion Chaplain, at 269-208-0397 or the Battalion Surgeon at 760-763-1831.

Sexual Assault: Sexual assault is against our Core Values as Marines. It is defined as intentional sexual conduct, characterized by the use of force, physical threat of force, or abuse of authority. Sexual assault also occurs when the victim is unable to give their consent. If you are a victim of sexual assault or know someone who is, contact your chain of command immediately. The sexual assault uniformed victim advocate (UVA) for the battalion is GySgt Nelson. He can be reached 760-763-1411.

Equal Opportunity: Every member of our Battalion will be treated with respect and dignity regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, or national origin. The true strength of the Marine Corps is measured through the collective efforts of our Marines, Sailors, civilians, and their families. For further information and assistance, please contact the Battalion Equal Opportunity Representative SSgt Harmon at 760-763-4496.

Semper Fidelis,
LtCol Targos
Commanding Officer
1st Battalion, 1st Marines


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