Thursday, February 14, 2013
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The JWC is the premier training establishment of the NATO Alliance, the essential force for operational level transformation throughout NATO, and the “Implementation Arm” of HQ SACT with the aim to improve NATO’s combat efficiency and effectiveness. The outcome of the JWC training is increased operational readiness at both NATO’s operational and component level headquarters.

ISAF pre-deployment Training Events, conducted and scheduled by NATO’s Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFC Brunssum) and directed by the JWC, are designed to prepare deploying units for the experiences, events and the operational tempo they can expect in-theatre.

The JWC-run Mission Rehearsal Exercises (MREs) place the Training Audiences in realistic situations and scenarios, involving everyone from the most junior to the most senior-ranking officers. Often, the training in Stavanger is the last training opportunity for a unit to work together in a training environment before they must do everything for real in-theatre.

The success of the JWC training is not just due to wealth of experience it has accumulated over the years and good lessons learned from the fight in Afghanistan -- it is also a product of a dedicated and very professional team who continuously improve and implement changes into training events and exercises to support NATO's forces. Preparation and anticipation are key to the JWC's success.


Prior to the establishment of the HQ ISAF Joint Command (HQ IJC) on 12 November 2009, HQ ISAF was the only operational NATO HQ in Afghanistan. With HQ IJC’s inception, HQ ISAF continued to be the higher operational HQ, however, it now focused only on strategic and political/military aspects of the ISAF mission, creating synergies with Afghan and other international organizations in the country. HQ IJC’s responsibility, whereas, was to focus on the day-to-day execution of the operational and tactical elements of the counterinsurgency campaign throughout the country.

The stand-up of the HQ IJC has changed the focus of the ISAF Mission Rehearsal Exercises, which was modified to simultaneously train personnel from both commands. JWC deployed 30 personnel to conduct, for the first time, an in-theatre Mission Readiness Exercise in September 2009.

The first Training Event based on the “split structure”, ISAF TE 09/02, took place at JWC’s Ulsnes Interim Training Facility in December 2009.

In December 2011, the JWC returned back to the split training structure during ISAF TE 11/02 and trained Standing HQs and national Individual Augmentees in preparation for their duties at both HQ ISAF and HQ IJC.

From 18 March to 05 April 2012, U.S. and NATO coalition partners participated in Unified Endeavor 12-2 / International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Training Event 12/01 (UE 12-2 / TE 12/01) at Camp Aachen in Grafenwoehr, Germany. For the first time, four training commands were involved in a highly complex, four-tier, multi-national, and computer assisted/command post ISAF Mission Rehearsal Exercise. A total of 1,576 personnel from four training commands (Joint Warfare Centre/JWC, Joint Forces Training Centre/JFTC, Joint and Coalition Warfare/JCW, and Mission Command Training Program/MCTP), along with elements from the 505th Command and Control Wing came together to form the Combined Exercise Control Group (CECG).


Instructions for Web-based Training

ISAF ADL web-based training is mandatory for individual augmentees attending a NATO-led ISAF Training Event and all trainees are requested to provide their ISAF ADL certificate during the Training Event in-processing. The ADL is also recommended and available for all other personnel deploying to ISAF. Nations are requested to widely release these ISAF ADL instructions. For that purpose a MS Word version of these instructions can be requested at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

To access the web-based training, you must register for an account. Please follow these instructions. These instructions are for accessing the ADL through a web browser. Instructions for accessing the ADL from the NATO SECRET network are slightly different.



ISAF Training Video 2012

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ISAF Training Video 2009

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