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Bibliography - William F Stern

  1. Chang, You-Soon, Shaoqing Zhang, Anthony Rosati, Thomas L Delworth, and William F Stern, in press: An assessment of oceanic variability for 1960–2010 from the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation. Climate Dynamics. DOI:10.1007/s00382-012-1412-2. 6/12.
    [ Abstract ]
  2. Jiang, X, D E Waliser, D Kim, Ming Zhao, K R Sperber, and William F Stern, et al., August 2012: Simulation of the intraseasonal variability over the Eastern Pacific ITCZ in climate models. Climate Dynamics, 39(3-4), DOI:10.1007/s00382-011-1098-x.
    [ Abstract ]
  3. Yang, Xiaosong, Anthony Rosati, Shaoqing Zhang, Thomas L Delworth, Rich Gudgel, Rong Zhang, Gabriel A Vecchi, Whit G Anderson, You-Soon Chang, T DelSole, Keith W Dixon, Rym Msadek, William F Stern, Andrew T Wittenberg, and Fanrong Zeng, in press: A predictable AMO-like pattern in GFDL’s fully-coupled ensemble initialization and decadal forecasting system. Journal of Climate. DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00231.1. 7/12.
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  4. Donner, Leo J., Bruce Wyman, Richard S Hemler, Larry W Horowitz, Yi Ming, Ming Zhao, J-C Golaz, Paul Ginoux, Shian-Jiann Lin, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, John Austin, G Alaka, W F Cooke, Thomas L Delworth, Stuart Freidenreich, C Tony Gordon, Stephen M Griffies, Isaac M Held, William J Hurlin, Stephen A Klein, Thomas R Knutson, Amy R Langenhorst, H C Lee, Yanluan Lin, B I Magi, Sergey Malyshev, P C D Milly, Vaishali Naik, Mary Jo Nath, R Pincus, Jeff J Ploshay, V Ramaswamy, Charles J Seman, Elena Shevliakova, Joseph J Sirutis, William F Stern, Ronald J Stouffer, R John Wilson, Michael Winton, Andrew T Wittenberg, and Fanrong Zeng, July 2011: The dynamical core, physical parameterizations, and basic simulation characteristics of the atmospheric component AM3 of the GFDL Global Coupled Model CM3. Journal of Climate, 24(13), DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI3955.1.
    [ Abstract ]
  5. Lee, J-Y, and William F Stern, et al., September 2011: How predictable is the northern hemisphere summer upper-tropospheric circulation? Climate Dynamics, 37(5-6), DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0909-9.
    [ Abstract ]
  6. Lee, J-Y, B Wang, I-S Kang, J Shukla, A Kumar, J-S Kug, C E Schemm, J-J Luo, T Yamagata, X Fu, O Alves, William F Stern, Anthony Rosati, and C-K Park, August 2010: How are seasonal prediction skills related to models’ performance on mean state and annual cycle? Climate Dynamics, 35(2-3), DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0857-4.
    [ Abstract ]
  7. Kim, D, and William F Stern, et al., December 2009: Application of MJO simulation diagnostics to climate models. Journal of Climate, 22(23), DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI3063.1.
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  8. Waliser, D E., Leo J Donner, and William F Stern, et al., June 2009: MJO Simulation Diagnostics. Journal of Climate, 22(11), DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI2731.1.
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  9. Wang, B, Ngar-Cheung Lau, Anthony Rosati, and William F Stern, et al., July 2009: Advance and prospectus of seasonal prediction: Assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-model ensemble retrospective seasonal prediction (1980-2004). Climate Dynamics, 33(1), DOI:10.1007/s00382-008-0460-0.
    [ Abstract ]
  10. Delworth, Thomas L., Anthony J Broccoli, Anthony Rosati, Ronald J Stouffer, Ventakramani Balaji, J A Beesley, W F Cooke, Keith W Dixon, John P Dunne, Krista A Dunne, J W Durachta, Kirsten L Findell, Paul Ginoux, Anand Gnanadesikan, C Tony Gordon, Stephen M Griffies, Rich Gudgel, Matthew J Harrison, Isaac M Held, Richard S Hemler, Larry W Horowitz, Stephen A Klein, Thomas R Knutson, P J Kushner, Amy R Langenhorst, H C Lee, Shian-Jiann Lin, Jian Lu, Sergey Malyshev, P C D Milly, V Ramaswamy, J L Russell, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Elena Shevliakova, Joseph J Sirutis, Michael J Spelman, William F Stern, Michael Winton, Andrew T Wittenberg, Bruce Wyman, Fanrong Zeng, and Rong Zhang, 2006: GFDL's CM2 Global Coupled Climate Models. Part I: Formulation and Simulation Characteristics. Journal of Climate, 19(5), DOI:10.1175/JCLI3629.1.
    [ Abstract ]
  11. Anderson, Jeffrey L., Ventakramani Balaji, Anthony J Broccoli, W F Cooke, Thomas L Delworth, Keith W Dixon, Leo J Donner, Krista A Dunne, Stuart Freidenreich, Stephen T Garner, Rich Gudgel, C Tony Gordon, Isaac M Held, Richard S Hemler, Larry W Horowitz, Stephen A Klein, Thomas R Knutson, P J Kushner, Amy R Langenhorst, Ngar-Cheung Lau, Z Liang, Sergey Malyshev, P C D Milly, Mary Jo Nath, Jeff J Ploshay, V Ramaswamy, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Elena Shevliakova, Joseph J Sirutis, Brian J Soden, William F Stern, Lori T Sentman, R John Wilson, Andrew T Wittenberg, and Bruce Wyman, December 2004: The New GFDL global atmosphere and land model AM2–LM2: Evaluation with prescribed SST simulations. Journal of Climate, 17(24), 4641-4673.
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  12. Jones, C, D E Waliser, K M Lau, and William F Stern, 2004: Global occurrences of extreme precipitation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation: Observations and predictability. Journal of Climate, 17(23), 4575-4589.
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  13. Jones, C, D E Waliser, K M Lau, and William F Stern, 2004: The Madden-Julian Oscillation and its impact on Northern Hemisphere weather predictability. Monthly Weather Review, 132(6), 1462-1471.
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  14. Zheng, Y, D E Waliser, William F Stern, and C Jones, 2004: The role of coupled sea surface temperatures in the simulation of the tropical intraseasonal oscillation. Journal of Climate, 17(21), 4109-4134.
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  15. Waliser, D E., K Jin, I-S Kang, William F Stern, S D Schubert, M L C Wu, K M Lau, M-I Lee, V Krishnamurthy, A Kitoh, G A Meehl, V Y Galin, V Satyan, S K Mandke, G Wu, Y Liu, and C-K Park, 2003: AGCM simulations of intraseasonal variability associated with the Asian summer monsoon. Climate Dynamics, 21(5-6), 423-446.
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  16. Waliser, D E., K M Lau, William F Stern, and C Jones, 2003: Potential predictability and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84(1), 33-50.
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  17. Waliser, D E., William F Stern, S D Schubert, and K M Lau, 2003: Dynamic predictability of intraseasonal variability associated with the Asian summer monsoon. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 129(594), 2897-2925.
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  18. Kang, I-S, K Jin, K M Lau, J Shukla, V Krishnamurthy, S D Schubert, D E Waliser, William F Stern, and V Satyan, et al., 2002: Intercomparison of atmospheric GCM simulated anomalies associated with the 1997/98 El Niño. Journal of Climate, 15(19), 2791-2805.
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  19. Kang, I-S, K Jin, B Wang, K M Lau, J Shukla, V Krishnamurthy, S D Schubert, D E Waliser, and William F Stern, et al., 2002: Intercomparison of the climatological variations of Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by 10 GCMs. Climate Dynamics, 19(5-6), 383-395.
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  20. Anderson, Jeffrey L., H van den Dool, A Barnston, W Chen, William F Stern, and Jeff J Ploshay, 1999: Present-day capabilities of numerical and statistical models for atmospheric extratropical seasonal simulation and prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80(7), 1349-1361.
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  21. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1999: Impact of large-scale circulation on tropical storm frequency, intensity, and location, simulated by an ensemble of GCM integrations. Journal of Climate, 12(11), 3237-3254.
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  22. Anderson, Jeffrey L., H van den Dool, A Barnston, W Chen, William F Stern, and Jeff J Ploshay, 1998: Capabilities of dynamical and statistical methods for atmospheric extratropical seasonal prediction In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 46-49.
  23. D'Andrea, F, S Tibaldi, M Blackburn, G J Boer, M Déqué, M R Dix, B Dugas, L Ferranti, and William F Stern, et al., 1998: Northern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking as simulated by 15 atmospheric general circulation models in the period 1979-1988. Climate Dynamics, 14(6), 385-407.
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  24. Stern, William F., and Anthony Rosati, 1998: Issues of orographic adjustment of SSTs in a spectral/coupled GCM In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, Report No. 27, WMO/TD-No. 865, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 6.21-6.22.
  25. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1998: Evaluation of the skill of an ensemble of GCM integrations in simulating seasonal tropical storm frequency, intensity and location In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 38-41.
  26. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1998: Simulation of the internally variability of tropical storm frequency, intensity and location in an ensemble of GCM integrations In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, WMO/TD No. 865, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 6.28-6.29.
  27. Yang, X-Q, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1998: Reproducible forced modes in AGCM ensemble integrations and potential predictability of atmospheric seasonal variations in the extratropics In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 50-53.
  28. Yang, X-Q, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1998: Reproducible forced modes in AGCM ensemble integrations and potential predictability of atmospheric seasonal variations in the extratropics. Journal of Climate, 11(11), 2942-2959.
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  29. Stern, William F., 1997: Investigations into the role of tropical intraseasonal oscillations in seasonal NWP In CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation - Research Activities in Atmospheric & Oceanic Modelling, WMO/ICSU/IOC World Climate Research Programme, Report No. 25, WMO/TD-No. 792, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 8.59-8.60.
  30. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1997: Simulation of interannual variability of tropical storm frequency in an ensemble of GCM integrations. Journal of Climate, 10(4), 745-760.
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  31. Anderson, Jeffrey L., and William F Stern, 1996: Evaluating the potential predictive utility of ensemble forecasts. Journal of Climate, 9(2), 260-269.
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  32. D'Andrea, F, and William F Stern, et al., 1996: Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking as Simulated by 15 Atmospheric General Circulation Models in the Period 1979-1988 (Results from an AMIP Diagnostic Subproject, WCRP-96. WMO/TD-No. 784, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 25 pp.
    [ Abstract ]
  33. Stern, William F., and Jeffrey L Anderson, 1996: Interannual variability of tropical intraseasonal oscillations in the GFDL/DERF GCM inferred from an ensemble of AMIP integrations In 11th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 15-16.
  34. Stern, William F., and C Tony Gordon, 1996: Specifying and modeling snow cover in multi-year GCM integrations In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 23 WMO/TD No. 734, World Meteorological Organization, 4.43-4.44.
  35. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1996: Potential predictability of tropical storms in an ensemble of forecasts In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 263-266.
  36. Vitart, F, Jeffrey L Anderson, and William F Stern, 1996: Potential predictability of tropical storms in ensemble GCM simulations In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 23 WMO/TD No. 734, World Meteorological Organization, 6.32.
  37. Anderson, Jeffrey L., and William F Stern, 1995: A method of evaluating the predictive ability of ensemble forecasts In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Climte Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 472-475.
  38. Gleckler, P J., Kikuro Miyakoda, and William F Stern, et al., 1995: Cloud-radiative effects on implied oceanic energy transports as simulated by atmospheric general circulation models. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(7), 791-794.
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  39. Miyakoda, Kikuro, Joseph J Sirutis, Anthony Rosati, C Tony Gordon, Rich Gudgel, William F Stern, Jeffrey L Anderson, and A Navarra, 1995: Atmospheric parameterizations in coupled air-sea models used for forecasts of ENSO In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Programme, WCRP-91, WMO/TD No. 717, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 802-806.
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  40. Stern, William F., 1995: Tropical intraseasonal variability in the GFDL/DERF GCM during AMIP In Proceedings of the First International AMIP Scientific Conference, WCRP-92, WMO/TD No. 273, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 137-142.
  41. Stern, William F., and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1995: Feasibility of seasonal forecasts inferred from multiple GCM simulations. Journal of Climate, 8(5), 1071-1085.
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  42. Stern, William F., and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1995: Interannual variability and reproducibility from multiple GCM simulations In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 92-95.
  43. Ploshay, Jeff J., William F Stern, and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1992: FGGE reanalysis at GFDL. Monthly Weather Review, 120(9), 2083-2108.
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  44. Stern, William F., and Jeff J Ploshay, 1992: A scheme for continuous data assimilation. Monthly Weather Review, 120(7), 1417-1432.
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  45. Stern, William F., and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1988: Systematic errors in GFDL's extended range prediction spectral GCM In Workshop on Systematic Errors in Models of the Atmosphere, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 12, WMO/TD No. 273, World Meteorological Organization, 78-85.
  46. Stern, William F., R T Pierrehumbert, Joseph J Sirutis, Jeff J Ploshay, and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1986: Recent developments in the GFDL extended-range forecasting system In Short- and Medium-Range Numerical Weather Prediction, Collection of papers presented at the WMO/IUGG NWP Symposium, World Meteorological Organization, 359-363.
    [ Abstract ]
  47. Gordon, C T., William F Stern, and R D Hovanec, 1985: A simple scheme for generating two layers of radiatively constrained effective clouds in GCMs. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(D6), 10,563-10,585.
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  48. Gordon, C T., R D Hovanec, and William F Stern, 1984: Analyses of monthly mean cloudiness and their influence upon model-diagnosed radiative fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(D3), 4713-4738.
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  49. Gordon, C T., and William F Stern, 1984: Medium range prediction by a GFDL global spectral model: results for three winter cases and sensitivity to dissipation. Monthly Weather Review, 112(2), 217-245.
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  50. Miyakoda, Kikuro, C Tony Gordon, R Caverly, William F Stern, Joseph J Sirutis, and W Bourke, 1983: Simulation of a blocking event in January 1977. Monthly Weather Review, 111(4), 846-869.
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  51. Gordon, C T., and William F Stern, 1982: A description of the GFDL global spectral model. Monthly Weather Review, 110(7), 625-644.
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  52. Gordon, C T., and William F Stern, 1982: Sensitivity of GCM-diagnosed radiative fluxes to "observed" monthly mean distributions of cloudiness In Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Washington, DC, NOAA, 268-278.

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