Customs Value by Customs Value
for ALL Countries

U.S. Imports for Consumption

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Sep


Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 YTD 2011 YTD Percent Change
YTD2010 - YTD2011
In 1,000 Dollars
New Zealand 290,614 367,102 293,836 330,872 373,347 430,276 442,495 489,963 569,216 452,898 364,176 255,094 312,119 22.4%
Italy 148,090 166,274 167,998 212,123 226,488 224,000 245,418 306,734 330,722 269,489 281,493 189,859 228,998 20.6%
Canada 118,493 151,802 156,563 155,391 217,589 219,977 195,872 209,743 173,674 180,661 208,712 154,430 158,268 2.5%
France 111,256 115,808 125,146 142,795 164,438 161,978 143,252 167,010 189,848 152,936 155,066 103,260 143,696 39.2%
Ireland 133,164 102,554 97,247 121,206 154,138 191,574 119,530 91,339 125,745 86,836 107,622 61,123 87,583 43.3%
Mexico 12,713 12,932 18,707 30,566 38,925 53,890 61,751 67,584 95,831 81,086 93,879 72,025 76,289 5.9%
Australia 70,823 62,424 66,214 85,721 92,745 124,684 127,421 119,769 99,512 101,223 85,777 64,616 46,367 -28.2%
India 22,062 21,239 27,073 17,665 33,732 59,281 40,972 86,973 109,054 36,296 75,711 58,193 37,063 -36.3%
Denmark 57,760 57,135 66,201 78,669 86,731 84,950 79,444 88,088 93,237 70,507 71,940 51,900 58,146 12.0%
Netherlands 57,873 51,206 52,542 58,907 61,267 66,375 71,890 71,055 86,510 71,323 69,792 44,612 57,709 29.4%
Switzerland 33,197 31,779 35,462 42,668 48,717 49,764 46,207 52,260 57,562 52,458 63,538 39,648 38,342 -3.3%
Spain 9,767 11,210 14,324 18,752 24,239 28,438 33,543 42,044 45,742 42,906 46,872 34,274 42,389 23.7%
Norway 36,898 33,885 28,891 32,841 36,138 39,048 36,705 41,336 42,500 41,798 41,120 30,612 28,240 -7.7%
United Kingdom 38,758 38,795 39,590 40,292 51,667 49,844 44,369 47,564 46,436 32,063 35,334 23,055 25,668 11.3%
Finland 28,711 26,505 25,542 29,823 33,331 40,893 39,316 42,680 45,312 37,978 31,580 24,609 23,482 -4.6%
Germany 53,191 43,695 51,367 41,221 33,622 25,683 24,724 28,959 33,406 22,660 26,084 18,027 28,122 56.0%
Greece 10,487 11,246 12,799 16,177 19,606 25,335 30,614 51,950 35,714 22,299 22,029 15,813 18,773 18.7%
Argentina 24,731 20,939 24,068 25,297 33,009 54,428 47,102 27,272 56,887 39,796 19,948 9,700 27,115 179.5%
China 4,866 5,786 6,052 6,195 10,176 13,317 17,304 17,445 18,699 9,443 16,509 10,969 10,814 -1.4%
Chile 4,709 4,732 4,537 1,659 4,032 7,089 8,281 10,007 11,828 14,389 14,594 12,004 13,389 11.5%
Israel 1,860 3,535 5,856 4,941 6,307 11,078 9,929 8,449 10,828 12,351 11,221 8,671 9,653 11.3%
Korea 2,938 3,350 3,875 3,857 4,106 5,383 5,751 7,055 8,001 9,452 10,648 8,533 8,122 -4.8%
Bulgaria 5,255 6,556 6,869 7,939 10,205 11,645 11,882 10,366 16,285 12,692 9,251 6,582 8,363 27.1%
Thailand 2,094 1,799 2,292 2,456 1,763 2,220 2,240 5,643 8,396 9,743 9,173 6,247 11,450 83.3%
Nicaragua 732 1,797 1,971 2,433 2,884 3,620 4,754 6,921 8,730 9,560 9,060 6,759 7,750 14.7%
Subtotal : 1,281,042 1,354,082 1,335,021 1,510,465 1,769,201 1,984,771 1,890,765 2,098,206 2,319,676 1,872,844 1,881,131 1,310,615 1,507,910 15.1%
All Other: 129,847 127,416 125,771 129,954 123,598 111,004 95,576 101,094 125,861 105,128 107,755 75,397 95,827 27.1%
Total 1,410,889 1,481,499 1,460,792 1,640,419 1,892,799 2,095,775 1,986,342 2,199,300 2,445,537 1,977,972 1,988,886 1,386,012 1,603,737 15.7%

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.