Top 20 US Import Sources for Marine Engines (non-diesel)
U.S. Imports for Consumption by Customs Value  
Annual + Year-To-Date Data from January - September  
Country 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 YTD 2011 YTD Percent Change  
In 1,000 Dollars YTD2010 - YTD2011  
World 924,266 1,003,698 1,169,158 1,289,179 891,352 792,015 325,536 743,335 555,169 568,103 2.30%  
Japan 778,971 816,724 975,628 944,525 655,866 614,346 226,487 580,636 433,501 427,846 -1.30%  
China 2,715 3,188 14,181 55,507 48,028 55,309 38,550 71,569 51,382 56,081 9.10%  
Mexico 114,628 124,815 119,875 112,169 110,839 67,885 28,496 54,607 44,428 45,894 3.30%  
Korea 7,987 9,314 18,430 135,722 37,086 19,958 9,754 14,610 11,201 14,420 28.70%  
Austria 12,683 18,171 17,552 19,845 24,277 18,384 11,737 12,335 8,259 12,799 55.00%  
France 2,062 8,434 10,757 8,867 8,976 7,539 5,204 4,912 3,018 6,345 110.20%  
Thailand 1,953 7,043 6,386 6,050 3,028 3,125 2,209 2,999 2,097 2,531 20.70%  
Canada 314 153 117 81 533 93 214 509 319 227 -29.00%  
Germany 259 14,520 241 171 314 2,010 107 464 293 1,024 249.00%  
New Zealand 35 7 41 0 0 68 47 219 219 135 -38.40%  
Italy 1,530 538 5,265 1,661 951 1,796 158 159 156 439 181.10%  
Spain 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 113 113 9 -92.20%  
United Kingdom 162 358 89 54 141 55 63 47 47 20 -57.80%  
Sweden 64 25 0 110 72 1,232 432 42 27 0 -100.00%  
Switzerland 6 0 0 125 0 0 254 40 40 15 -62.80%  
Cayman Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 31 0 -100.00%  
United Arab Em 0 0 0 5 0 0 11 14 14 0 -100.00%  
Taiwan 205 0 4 8 3 7 10 11 8 0 -100.00%  
Guadeloupe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 -100.00%  
Australia 80 0 50 19 12 16 45 4 4 60 1571.70%  
Subtotal : 923,654 1,003,290 1,168,616 1,284,921 890,124 791,823 323,793 743,332 555,166 567,844 2.30%  
All Other: 612 408 542 4,258 1,228 192 1,742 3 3 259 8789.30%  
Total 924,266 1,003,698 1,169,158 1,289,179 891,352 792,015 325,536 743,335 555,169 568,103 2.30%  
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV