First Unit of Quantity by Quantity Description

U.S. Domestic Exports

Annual + Year-To-Date Data from Jan - Sep


Quantity Description Country 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 YTD 2005 YTD Percent Change
YTD2004 - YTD2005
In 1,000
number Canada 299,114 327,621 347,058 406,210 347,616 351,556 406,298 415,789 296,411 248,509 154,351 -37.9%
. Mexico 15,628 12,911 16,399 9,447 28,675 24,282 13,938 10,959 16,505 14,774 12,250 -17.1%
. Hong Kong 1,984 1,730 2,163 2,220 2,547 1,598 1,737 1,791 14,170 13,840 210 -98.5%
. United Kingdom 33,674 34,650 40,717 55,668 67,974 39,485 52,445 64,230 9,893 8,357 4,400 -47.3%
. Taiwan 3,730 3,417 2,512 4,407 7,162 4,362 3,164 2,302 2,231 2,094 188 -91.0%
. Australia 17,274 16,104 14,394 16,331 16,347 5,389 5,003 4,602 1,941 1,480 2,036 37.6%
. Germany 6,729 5,007 5,890 6,425 9,266 3,856 8,768 12,546 1,846 1,576 1,511 -4.2%
. Russia 122 20 2 1 31 0 588 59 1,519 139 1,263 806.4%
. Japan 19,751 10,502 9,669 18,433 22,188 24,944 10,652 4,948 1,196 1,126 417 -62.9%
. China 859 1,306 1,139 1,426 887 1,734 859 1,469 931 787 300 -61.9%
. Singapore 11,873 10,539 9,132 17,606 19,747 15,135 11,120 8,251 638 603 144 -76.1%
. Korea 7,635 10,019 3,170 5,460 7,649 4,077 4,083 1,223 495 434 297 -31.6%
. Sweden 349 574 1,197 1,435 571 114 80 105 459 389 206 -47.0%
. Netherlands 947 7,439 8,059 8,268 1,818 1,513 3,334 3,624 432 286 267 -6.4%
. Ireland 154 247 858 189 520 213 156 120 427 294 148 -49.5%
. France 2,306 809 780 2,372 2,045 348 2,178 4,761 419 333 738 121.8%
. Israel 6,365 772 477 304 866 321 83 405 416 299 126 -57.7%
. Italy 817 560 601 722 570 484 705 438 401 344 90 -73.9%
. Spain 441 473 241 365 455 243 224 1,252 362 268 1,532 471.3%
. Luxembourg 136 15 0 1 24 10 1 966 359 268 0 -100.0%
. India 3,918 4,496 2,898 5,036 6,738 6,195 5,754 7,006 304 286 57 -80.1%
. Venezuela 219 2,133 2,638 2,374 1,351 257 21 124 286 286 26 -91.0%
. El Salvador 4 1 42 24 29 17 24 104 282 22 0 -100.0%
. Finland 158 465 3,503 682 180 118 79 335 273 115 79 -31.8%
. Thailand 1,355 958 512 1,040 1,488 1,710 1,343 1,565 253 214 69 -67.6%
Subtotal - number 435,542 452,765 474,051 566,445 546,743 487,961 532,638 548,974 352,449 297,123 180,707 -39.2%
All Other: 16,447 23,972 17,749 31,179 28,488 17,802 16,504 18,670 3,625 3,017 2,617 -13.2%

Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Last updated by JF on 11-21-05